Housing and Ways of Inhabiting
This course aims to acquire knowledge about housing in the following dimensions: public policy, real estate market, ways of inhabiting and residential architecture. The contents articulate a theoretical and an empirical reflection focused on the exploration of the national reality, with particular focus on Lisbon and its metropolis, not neglecting the required international framework. The approach to be developed should combine a historical perspective with the exploration of issues that mark the current housing situation, one of the central themes of contemporary public debate.
1. To analyze the housing policies implemented in Portugal and other countries, focusing on social housing and renting;
2. To enable students to understand the cultural and sociological dimensions of the built environment through the exploration of, the one hand, the relations between the transformation of residential architecture and ways of living, and, on the other hand, the transformations of Portuguese society.
3. To provide students with the needed tools to understand the transformations of the contemporary real estate market and the new housing issues.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Gonçalo Manuel Ferreira dos Santos Antunes
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Allen, J., Barlow, J.; Leal, J. Maloutas, T. and Padovani, L. (2004), Housing and Welfare in Southern Europe, Oxford: Blackwell
Aalbers, M. B. (2019), Financial Geographies of Real Estate and the City, Working Paper 21, FinGeo/ Ku Leuven
Antunes, G. (2018). Políticas de habitação 200 anos, Lisboa: Caleidoscópio e CML
Arundel. R. and Doling, J. (2017), The end of mass homeownership? Changes in labour markets and housing tenure opportunities across Europe, J. Housing and the Built Environment, 32:649–672
Guerra, I. (1998), “Grupos sociais, formas de habitat e estrutura do modo de vida”, Sociedade e Território, ns 25/26, pp. 118-128
Levine, R. (2018), Modern Architecture and Ideology: Modernism as a political tool in sweeden and the soviet union, Momentum, V. 5, 1, 1-20
Malpass, P. (2005). Housing and the Welfare State. Nova Iorque: Palgrave Macmillan.
Pereira, S. M., (2012) Casa e Mudança Social :uma leitura das transformações da sociedade portuguesa a partir da casa, Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio
Santos, A. C. (coord. ) (2019), A Nova Questão da Habitação em Portugal, Porto, Almedina
Wetzstein, S. (2017), The Global Urban Housing Affordability Crisis, Urban Studies,, Vol. 54 (14), 3159-3177
Complementar (máx. 50 títulos)
Aalbers, M. (2017), The variegated financialization of housing, international journal of urban and regional research, 542-554
Allen, Barbara (2004), “La construction du sens du chez-soi dans les quartiers d’habitat social” in Beatrice
Collignon e Jean-François Staszak (org.), Espaces domestiques. Construire, habiter, représenter, Espaces
Domestiques, Paris, Bréal éditions, pp. 137 148
Altman, Irwin (1993), “Homes, housing and the 21st century”, in Ernesto G. Arias (ed.),The meaning and the use
of housing: International Perspectives, Approaches and Their Applications, Avebury, Aldershot, pp.xix-xxvii
Arundel, R. (2017) Equity Inequity: Housing Wealth Inequality, Inter and Intra-generational Divergences, and the Rise of Private Landlordism, Housing, Theory and Society, 34:2, 176-200
Attfield, J. (2006) Bringing Modernity Home. Open Plan in the British Domestic Interior, in Cieraad, I. At Home. An anthropology of domestic space, New York, Syracuse University Press, pp.73-82
Bandeirinha, José António (2007), O Processo SAAL e a Arquitectura no 25 de Abril de1974, Coimbra, Imprensa
da Universidade Coimbra
Baptista, Luís Vicente (1999), Cidade e Habitação Social. O Estado Novo e o Programa das Casas Económicas,
Oeiras, Celta
Bernard, Y. (1995), “Ménage et modes de vie”, in Ascher, F. (coord.), Le logement en questions. L’habitat dans les annés quatre-vingt-dix: continuities et ruptures, Paris: Éditions de L’Aube, pp. 33-39
Blackmar, Elizabeth (1989, 2007), “The social meanings of housing” in Barbara Miller Lane (ed.) Housing and
Dwelling. Perspectives on Modern Domestic Architecture, London and New York, Routledge, pp.108-112
Cachado, R. A. (2013), O Programa Especial de Realojamento. Ambiente histórico, politico e social , Análise Social, 206, 134-152
Castro, Alexandra (1998), “As construções dos emigrantes e a legitimidade de uma
estética singular”, Sociedade e Território, 25/26, pp.80-86
Chapman, Tony, (1999). “Stage sets for ideal lives: images of home in
Contemporary show homes, Tony Chapman and Jenney Hockey (ed.), Ideal Homes?
Social Change and Domestic Life, London, Routledge, pp. 44-58
Cavaco, C. (2009). Formas de habitat suburbano. Tipologias e Modelos Residenciais na A ´ rea Metropolitana de Lisboa, Dissertation, Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa.
Chamboredon, J. C., & Lemaire, M. (1970). Proximite´ spatiale et distance sociale. Les grands ensembles et leur peuplement. Revue franc¸aise de sociologie, 11, 3–
Teaching method
The contact hours are structured in sessions based on the exposition of the different themes supported in diverse contents, namely audio-visual. There are also occasional sessions with guests focusing on specific cases / themes. The debate on the topics taught should accompany the expository moments. In addition, UC teachers will organize a study visit whose subject and course will be announced at the beginning of the respective semester.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Attendance and participation in debates (15%), Book chapter or journal article review (30%), Group work with oral presentation(55%)
Subject matter
A. The development of housing policies at the national and international levels:
1. First ideas about social housing and rent policies;
2. Repercussions of the Great War on housing policies;
3. Models applied during authoritarian regimes.
4. The changes after World War II;
5. Housing policies at the end of the 20th century;
6. Housing policies in a globalized world.
B. Residential Architectures and Ways of Inhabiting
1. Residential Architectures and Ideologies
1.1 Estado Novo: "Português Suave", Economic and demountable Houses
1.2 Modern Movement: mass housing
1.3 Postmodern Models: Advertising Narratives
2. Ways of Inhabiting: from concept to social diversity
2.1 Emigrants and “Illegal”
2.2 To inhabit a Pritzker: Siza Vieira
2.4. New Middle Classes: Lofts and Minimal Houses
C. Real Estate Market in the 21st Century
1. Financialization and Internationalization of Housing Markets
2. The current housing problem
3. Political resurgence of housing