Classical Latin Culture
To know the nuclear characteristics of Roman civilization and its foundational and cultural legacy, identifying material (in the arts in general) and immaterial traces in the domains of religion, law, oratory, philosophy, literature and, above all, in the moral values that contributed to the construction of European citizenship. Specific:
a) To recognize the role of mediation and organization of Roman civilization in the Mediterranean and, in particular, in the West. (20%)
b) To acquire a panoramic knowledge of the nuclear aspects of Roman civilization. (20%)
c) To understand the impact of Aeneid on European culture, and in Portuguese in particular. (15%)
d) To value the cultural legacy of Rome. (15%)
e) To identify the space of ancient Rome in the Western imaginary and its subsequent influence on politics, science, literature, the arts and private life. (20%)
Cross-cutting ob.
a) Know how to write a class report. (5%)
b) To design and organize oral exposure. (5%)
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Inês Luísa de Ornellas de Andrade da Silva e Castro
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not aplicable
ANTUNES, M., (1999). Teoria da Cultura, com revisão e notas de Ornellas de Andrade, M.I. Lisboa: Colibri
.ARIÈS, p. e DUBY, G. (org.), (1989). História da Vida Privada. Do Império Romano ao ano mil. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
BRANDÃO, J. L. - OLIVEIRA, F. de, (2015). História de Roma Antiga, vol. I: Das origens à morte de César. Coimbra. Imp. U. C *
_________, (2020 ). História de Roma Antiga volume II: Império e romanidade hispânica. Coimbra: Imp. U. C.*
CALVINO, I., (2015). “Porquê ler os Clássicos”, in Porquê ler os Clássicos. (Trad. Port.). Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote, pp.9-16.
ELIOT, T.S., (1992). “O que é um clássico?”, in Ensaios escolhidos, Selecção, tradução e notas de Maria Adelaide Ramos. Lisboa: Cotovia, pp.129-146
ROCHA PEREIRA, M. H., (2002). Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica. Cultura Romana. Lisboa: F. C. Gulbenkian.
Web Sites:
Classica digitalia
Perseus Digital Library
THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGIE - Exploring Mythology in Classical Literature & Art
* online
Teaching method
Teaching will tend to be expositive, but providing students active intervention. The PowerPoint presented with images and synthesis are animated, so the slide never appears in full, inviting to think before the teacher provide an answer. Discussion involves the student in learning process and is more effective. The optional delivery questionnaires, to be completed at home before the frequencies, allow students a self-regulation. The presentation of individual works, placed on the platform before being taught the associated content, mobilizes students with a more reflective profile, who participate less in classes. The lesson record, in the form of a report, is either a feedback for the teacher and proves useful for the class. In the end, self-assessment is also required.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - attendance (5%), participation in classes, a small work and the report(30%), results of the two frequencies(65%)
Subject matter
I- Roman civilization: organization and mediation.
1.Geographical and historical framework.
1.1. The origin of Rome and the Roman Monarchy.
1.1.1. The Etruscan and Hellenic legacies.
1.1.2. The Roman Republic.
1.2. Augustus and the imperial model.
1.3 From the High Roman Empire to the Lower Empire.
1.4. The barbarian invasions and the "end" of the Western Roman Empire.
II- Nuclear aspects of Roman Civilization.
1. Political ideas: imperium, potestas, maiestas, prouincia.
2. Religion: believing is doing.
2.1. Mythical theology and the different numina.
2.2. The topography of the Beyond in the Italian tradition.
3. Moral ideals and conceptions.
4. Education.
5. The arts: architecture, sculpture and painting.
6. Theatre and musical expression.
7. Literature and philosophy.
8. The power of oratory.
III- Aspects of private life
1. Sexuality: the testimonies of medicine, literature and iconography.
2. Marriage and family.
3. Food and user-friendly practices.
IV- And Rome Lux: Rome and Europl
Programs where the course is taught: