Cultures of Portuguese-Speaking Countries
a)To develop historical and cultural knowledge about Portuguese speaking countries today.
b) To identify different critical paradigms as well as their changes and mutations.
c) To improve reading and research individual practices.
d) To participate in class discussions.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Maria Mao de Ferro Martinho Carver Gale
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
A fornecer para cada módulo, com materiais organizados para o efeito.
Apresentamos abaixo apenas algumas leituras de referência.
To be tailored according to weekly discussions.
Leituras gerais / General readings
- Almeida, Miguel V. de. Earth-Colored Sea: Race, Culture And The Politics Of Identity
In The Post-Colonial Portuguese-Speaking World. Oxford & New York: Berghahn
Books, 2004.
- Atlantica: contemporary art from Angola and its diaspora. Lisboa: Hangar, 2018.
- Carvalho, Ruy Duarte. Vou lá visitar pastores. Lisboa: Cotovia, 1999.
- Comaroff, Jean & John (Eds.). Law and Disorder in The Postcolony. Chicago: U. of
Chicago Press, 2006.
- Mignolo, Walter. Delinking. Cultural Studies 21(2-3), 2007.
- Said, Edward W., Orientalismo. Lisboa: Cotovia, 2004.
Teaching method
All sessions are theoretical and practical.
Working materials and discussion topics will be presented to the students; ahead of
classes the students will prepare readings.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Paper(35%), Participation in class discussions - 15% Participation in class - 15%(30%), Test(35%)
Subject matter
. Postcolonial societies
. Cities and peripheries
. Cultures and resistance
. Women and development
. Environment and social empowerment
. Art and conflict
. Media and freedom of expression
. Linguistic diversity