African Literature


a)To develop literary and cultural knowledge about postcolonial societies.
b) To identify different critical paradigms as well as their changes and mutations.
c) To improve reading and research individual practices.
d) To participate in class discussions and assigned reading activities.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Mao de Ferro Martinho Carver Gale


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





África - literatura, arte e cultura, Linda-a-Velha, 1978-1986
Ashcroft et allii (eds.)The Post-Colonial Studies Reader.London & NY: Routledge, 2003
Carvalho, A. Claridade: Movimento de emancipação cultural e ideológica cabo-verdianas. Língua-Lugar : Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais, (3), 2021
Carvalho, R. D. Vou lá Visitar Pastores. Lisboa: Cotovia, 1999
Chabal, P. A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa. London. C. Hurst & Co., 2002
Leite, A.M. Literaturas Africanas e Formulações Pós-coloniais, Lisboa: Colibri, 2003
Medeiros, P.(Org.). Postcolonial Theory and Lusophone Literatures, PSC – Univ. Utrecht. Utrecht, 2007
Rothwell, Phillip, Sexual/Texual Empire: Gender and Marginality in Lusophone African Literature (com H. Owen), Bristol University, 2004
Sanches, M.R.(Org.), Deslocalizar a Europa, Lisboa: Cotovia, Ensaio, 2005.
Tenreiro, F. J. Coração em África, Linda-a-VelhVieira, J.L. Luuanda, 8ª ed.,Lisboa: Ed. 70, 1981
VVAA. A Urgência da Teoria. Lisboa: Tinta da China, 2007

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Participation in class discussions - 10% Participation in class - 10%(20%), Paper or test(40%), Test(40%)

Subject matter

Available soon


Programs where the course is taught: