Greek Literature


a) Evolution of Greek literature (15%);
b) Recognition of the vital role of key figures in Greek literary history: aesthetic and historical contexts (15%);
c) Critical analysis of representative passages from Greek writers (25%):
d) Exploration of influence of Greek literature on subsequent literatures, namely the Portuguese (30%);
e) To develop the skills of lucid communication arriving from the analysis and responses to the material study (15%);
f) To develop bibliographical and research skills;
g) To acquire a sense for historical and cultural materials;
h) To understand the principal aesthetics characteristics of several literary genres;
i) To develop an overall perspective of the value and significance of Greek culture and literature.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Leonor Santa Bárbara de Carvalho


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





De Romilly, Jacqueline, Compêndio de Literatura Grega (trad. de Leonor Santa Bárbara), Lisboa, Edições 70, 2011.
Foley, John Miles (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Epic, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Fränkel, Hermann, Early Greek Poetry and Philosophy (trad. de Hadas, Moses, e Willis, James), Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1975.
Lesky, Albin, História da Literatura Grega (trad. de Manuel Losa), Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1995.
Ureña Prieto, Maria Helena, Dicionário de Literatura Grega, Lisboa, Verbo, 2001.

Teaching method

Lectures, with analysis and discussion of texts, and individual work of students, related with the topics of the programme, presented orally. The evaluation consists in a written essay and a test. 

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - The essay should be presented orally and its mark is the weighing of the written version and the oral presentation(50%), one test(50%)

Subject matter

This unit aims to give a global view of Greek literature and the way it evolved through centuries, since Homer till the Hellenistic age. This vision will always have into account some specific theme. Because, quite often, most students already had the course of Classical Greek Culture, here we give particular attention to the literary production of the Hellenistic Age.
1. Origins of Greek literature.
2. Epic cycles and the Trojan War: the Homeric poems.
3. Archaic poetry.
4. The Greek tragedy.
5. Comedy.
6. History.
7. The Hellenistic age.


Programs where the course is taught: