Latin I


To provide students with minimum and indispensable phonetic, morphological,and syntactic knowledge to understand the written structure and the basic mastery of Latin language expression.
The student must:
a) Understand the Latin language structure. (10%)
b) Assimilate knowledge that provides understanding and, subsequently, the reading of simple utterances, such as maxims, proverbs and small inscriptions. (35%)
c) Acquire competence to master basic lexical and morphosyntactic structures that allow the production of simple phrases. (20%)
d) Apply the restored Latin pronunciation rules in connection with phonetics studies, in order to develop reading skills. (10%)
e) Establish relations between Latin and Romance languages, in particular Portuguese, concerning both the fundamental lexicon and some morphosyntactic structures. (20%)
f) Associate Roman culture elements present in the analyzed texts with cultural practices still recognizable in Occidental Culture. (5%)

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Inês Luísa de Ornellas de Andrade da Silva e Castro


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Selecta distribuída ao longo do semestre.

GAFFIOT, F., (2008). Dictionnaire illustré latin-français. Paris: Hachette. (online). LEWIS, C.T., SHORT, C. (1963). Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

FARIA, Ernesto,(1958). Gramática Superior da Língua Latina. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Académica. (online).
LOURENÇO, F., (2019). Nova Gramática do Latim. Lisboa: Quetzal.

Fonética, Morfologia e História da língua:
COLLART, J., (1970). Histoire de la langue latine. “Que sais-je?”, Paris: P.U.F.
FARIA, Ernesto, (1957). Fonética histórica do latim. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Académica. (Vide cap. sobre pronúncia restaurada)
MAROUZEAU, J. (1980)La prononciation du latin. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
MEILLET, A.(1952). Esquisse d’une histoire de la langue latine. Paris, Hachette,
MONTEIL, P.,(1974). Eléments de phonétique et de morphologie du latin. Paris: Nathan.
WILLIAMS,E.B.,(1991). Do latim ao português. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro.

Teaching method

Classes have an eminently theoretical-practical nature and a direct method and teaching is aligned according to a sequential logic. Phonetics, morphology and syntax materials are presented according to previous knowledge acquisition and internalization. The projection of the delivered worksheets corrected on the screen itself, in addition the use of PowerPoint with schemes and synthesis images is very effective. In this process communication is decisive: asking questions, even rhetorical, activates participation.There is a constructive alignment between the goals to be achieved and the pedagogical environment with strategies that imply interaction between teacher and students. In addition to the hetero assessment, self-assessment is encouraged.    

Evaluation method

evaluation regime without exam - The classroom participation, the homework quality of and formative sheets(30%), attendance (5%), results of 2 frequencies(65%)

Subject matter

Linguistic aspects
History of the Latin language:
a) Indo-European matrix, Latin and Italic languages, the Latin structure and the cases fixation.
b) Phonetics: Latin alphabet evolution; different pronunciations; Latin prosody elements. The vowel and syllabic quantities; the basic phonetic phenomena: apophony, rhotacism, assimilation, dissimilation, crasis and syncope.
c) Morphology: concept of lexeme, morpheme, root, theme, characteristic and inflection; gender, number and case; substantive nominal inlection; verbal flexion: categories of voice, mood, aspect, time, person; invariable words: prepositions, adverbs, interjections, coordination conjunctions and temporal and causal subordinative conjunctions.
d) Syntax: the cases syntax, the words order in the proposition, the simple phrase: independent propositions and parataxis.

2- Lexicology: the root alternation degrees in the formation of some words.

3- Analysis and translation of original simple utterances.


Programs where the course is taught: