Latin II


This semester, organized as the natural continuation of Latin I, aims to create appropriate skills for the understanding and translation of mottos, emblems and epigraphy texts (inscriptions from Hispania) and Latin authors, presented in order of increasing difficulty.
The student must:
a) Acquire knowledge of the Latin language in order to provide reading and understanding texts with a reduced level of difficulty.(45%).
b) Develop techniques and methods of textual analysis, leading to translation of Latin into Portuguese.(20%).
c) Increase productive competence in Latin language allowing the use of lexical, morphological and syntactic structures in order to produce simple phrases. (15%)
d) Learn version rules for Portuguese (or other languages) be translated into Latin.(5%)
e) Establish connections between Latin and the Romance languages, particularly Portuguese, concerning both the fundamental lexicon and basic morphological and syntactic structures. (10%)

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Inês Luísa de Ornellas de Andrade da Silva e Castro


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





GAFFIOT, F., (2008). Dictionnaire illustré latin-français. Paris: Hachette.*
LEWIS, C.T., SHORT, C. (1963). Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Gramáticas:
FARIA, Ernesto,(1958). Gramática Superior da Língua Latina. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Académica.*
LOURENÇO, F., (2019). Nova Gramática do Latim. Lisboa: Quetzal.

Fonética, Morfologia e História da língua:
BOUET, P., CONSO, D., KERLOUEGAN, F., (1991). Initiation au système de la langue Latine. Paris : Nathan.
COLLART, J., (1970). Histoire de la langue latine. “Que sais-je?”, Paris: P.U.F. FARIA, Ernesto, (1957). Fonética histórica do latim. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Académica.*
JONES, P., SIDWELL, K. (2000). Reading Latin (vol. I – Grammar, vocabulary and exercises; vol. II – Text). Cambridge:Cambridge University Press
MONTEIL, P.,(1974). Eléments de phonétique et de morphologie du latin. Paris: Nathan.
PALMER,R.L., (1954).The latin language.London: Faber & Faber.*

Teaching method

Classes have an eminently theoretical-practical nature. The pedagogical environment implies strategies of interaction between teacher and student. Will be used a direct method with a sequential approach, not global. The exposition of phonetics, morphology and syntax topics obeys to the students learning needs and time (the acquisition and assimilation).The feedback obtained through homework sheets and classroom participation allows learning verification. The number of worksheets that must be delivered is established by a pedagogical protocol at the beginning of the semester. The targets to be achieved for a criterial and non-normative assessment are also defined. In addition to the usual hetero assessment, self-assessment is encouraged. 

Evaluation method

assessment without final exam - The participation in classes, the homework (30%), attendance (5%), results of 2 frequencies(65%)

Subject matter

1- Linguistic aspects
a) Phonetic: consolidation of phonetic phenomena in connection withe athematic declensions study.
b) Morphology: the nominal inflection: athemaic declensions nouns, adjectives and their degrees; pronouns and numerals; verbal inflexion: notions of aspect and voice; the opposition infectum/perfectum; conclusion of the study of regular verbal inflexion in the perfectum tense stem, both in active and passive voices, and the verb sum; the supine formation, deponent and semi-deponent verbs; invariable words: adverbs and their degrees; the subordinative conjunctions.
c) Syntax: the circumstantial complements (conclusion) and the passive agent; the ablative absolute; the subordinate propositions temporal, causal, comparative, final, consecutive, concessive sentences; completive infinitive and conjunctional.

2- Lexicology and semantics: the primitive background of Latin vocabulary; the words families.

3- Analysis and commented translation of Latin original texts.


Programs where the course is taught: