Latin III


General outcomes:
1. To develop receptive competence in Latin language that provides the reading and understanding of Latin texts of greater elaboration. (45%)
Specific outcomes:
2. To perfect the mechanisms that allow the Latin version into Portuguese. (20%)
3. To develop productive competence in Latin language that provides the use of lexical and morphosyntactic structures in texts of greater elaboration. (10%)
4. To understand the morphosemantic and lexical structures of Latin and Romance languages, in particular the Portuguese, in order to apprehend the main mechanisms of the evolution of the languages derived from Latin. (10%)
5. To acquire knowledge of Roman culture and literature that provide understanding of reading/studied texts. (5%)
6. To establish relationships between elements of Roman culture present in texts and elements of Western culture (5%)
Cross-cutting outcomes:
Develop the capacity for critical analysis. (5%)

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Inês Luísa de Ornellas de Andrade da Silva e Castro


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



 Latin I and Latin III


Os textos para análise são distribuídos ao longo do semestre.

BOUET, P., CONSO, D., KERLOUEGAN, F., (1991). Initiation au système de la langue Latine. Paris: Nathan.

CITRONI, M., CONSOLINO, F. E., LABATE, M. et al.,(2006). Literatura de Roma Antiga. Lisboa: F. C. Gulbenkian.

DUBY, G.- PERROT, M. (dir.), (1990). História das Mulheres, vol. I A Antiguidade. Trad. port., Porto: Afrontamento.

ERNOUT, A., (1974). Morphologie historique du latin. Paris: Éditions Klincksieck.

FANTHAM,E. at al., (1994).Women in the Classical World. Image and Text. New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press.

GRIMAL, P., ( 2020). Dicionário da Mitologia grega e Romana. Lisboa: Difel.

MAROUZEAU,J., (1946).Traité de stylistique latine. Paris : Klincksieck.*

PALMER,R.L., (1954).The latin language.London: Faber & Faber.*

ROCHA PEREIRA, M. H.,(1976) Estudos de história da cultura clássica. Cultura Romana (vol. II), Lisboa: F. C. Gulbenkian.

Sítio: Classica digitalia

* online

Teaching method

A direct teaching method with a sequential approach is used. As the Unit is theoretical-practical, pedagogical strategy is based on a sequential structure of activities that mobilize students by cycles: performing recapitulation or new content exercises, supervised translation practice and reading. Pre-existing knowledge is revealed in systematic reviews of phonetics, morphology and syntax carried out before teaching a new content. The worksheets with texts for translation and their questionnaire (inscriptions and literary excerpts) are delivered throughout the semester. The planning provided on the first classes day allows a self-managed follow-up. The specific objectives formulation demonstrates that cognitive, attitude and psychomotor skills are interconnect.Self-regulation is encouraged throughout the semester and, in the end, a self-assessment. 

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - attendance (5%), participation in classes, work forms (30%), two frequencies(65%)

Subject matter

1 Linguistic aspects:
1.1 Nominal historical phonetics revision: more recurrent phonetic phenomena.
1.2 Irregular declension nouns.2. Historical morphology:
2.1 Pronominal inflection:
2.1.1 interrogative, relative, undefined, demonstrative and anaphoric pronouns (is, ea, id);
2.1. 2 compound interrogative and undefined pronouns;
2.1.3 personal pronouns
2.3 Verbal flexion:
2.3.1 nominal verbal forms: gerund, gerundive, active and passive supines, the present participle; the past participle;
2.3.2 explanation of some irregular verbal forms.
3. Syntax:
3. 1 systematic revision of parataxis and hypotaxis;
3.2 syntactic constructions with the supine;
3.3 syntactic constructions with the gerund.
4. Lexicology: the processes of word formation: compound and derived words.
5. Reading, translation and linguistic, stylistic and literary commentary of the selected inscriptions and texts based on the following theme: The Roman Women - part I


Programs where the course is taught: