Latin IV


General outcomes:
1.To apply the competences of aesthetic and critical reception before Latin texts of different literary genres. (45%)
Specific outcomes:
2. To develop the mechanisms that allow the Latin version for the Portuguese, aiming to improve literary translation skills. (20%)
3. To develop the production capacity of small statements in Latin language. (10%)
4. To value the musicality and the expressiveness of poetic texts. (10%)
5. To deepen knowledge of Roman literature and culture that provide the understanding and enjoyment of the texts read. (5%)
6. To establish correlations correlations between literary elements evident in the texts and elements of Western culture, namely Portuguese literature. (5%)
Cross-cutting outcomes:
7. To organize an essay that involves thematic and stylistic appreciation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Inês Luísa de Ornellas de Andrade da Silva e Castro


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



 Curricular Units Latin I, Latin II and Latin III


Os textos para análise são entregues ao longo do semestre.

BOUET, P., CONSO, D., KERLOUEGAN, F., (1991). Initiation au système de la langue Latine. Paris, Nathan.

DUBY, G. - PERROT, M.(dir.),(1990). História das Mulheres, vol. I A Antiguidade. Porto: Afrontamento.

ERNOUT, A., (1974). Morphologie historique du latin. Paris: Éditions Klincksieck.

FANTHAM,E. at al., (1994).Women in the Classical World. Image and Text. New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press.

GRIMAL, P., ( 2020). Dicionário da Mitologia grega e Romana. Lisboa: Difel.

HOWATSON, M. C.,(1989). The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. Oxford: University Press.

MAROUZEAU, J., (1946).Traité de stylistique latine. Paris: Klincksieck.*

NÉRAUDEAU, J.- P., (2000). La littérature latine. Paris: Hachette.

PALMER, R.L., (1954).The latin language.London: Faber & Faber.*

web site: Classica digitalia

Obs. ao longo do semestre é indicada biliografia complementar.

Teaching method

The direct method will be used, maintaining a progressive approach. The classes are theoretical-practical. The exposition moments are interspersed with activities based on the worksheets delivered throughout the semester, organized according to learning progress. Students are encouraged to be proactive, not only because they have the opportunity to prepare the subjects in advance (they receive the planning of the semester in the first class), but also because the texts thematic provide value sociocultural judgments. Formative assessment helps the student to self-regulate learning and the teacher to evaluate his performance.
The evaluation criteria defined at the beginning clarify the goals to be achieved and motivate students to develop the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - attendance (5%), participation in classes with small oral and written formative papers(30%), two frequencies(65%)

Subject matter

1.Systematic reviews of nominal and pronominal historical morphology and phonetics.
2. Syntax:
2. 1 the complex phrase;
2.2 the value and use of participial forms;
2.3 the constructions of ut, quod and quin;
2.4 indirect speech;
2.5 the negative phrase and the interrogative phrase;
2.6 the consecutio temporum.
3.Lexicology: the processes of word formation:linguistic loans, neologisms and archaisms.
4. Metric: application to the different meters of the compositions.
5. Stylistic:
5.1. the choice of words (musicality and expressiveness);
5.2 the order of the words in the sentence.
6. Reading, translation and linguistic, stylistic and literary commentary of the selected texts subordinated to the theme the Condition of the woman in Rome (part II): the family, love, the female body.


Programs where the course is taught: