Galician Language and Literature


- Knowledge of the Galician language in the four basic competences: written and oral expression (level B1 of the Common European Framework for Reference of Languages), reading and listening comprehension (level B2)
- Grammar of modern Galician language.
- History of the Galician language and its relation to the history of the Portuguese language.
- The linguistic, social and cultural situation of the Galician language in the Iberian and European contexts.
- The history and the present of Galician literature and culture.

Skills and competences:
- Production of oral and written messages in the family, academic and professional contexts.
- Comprehension of oral and written complex messages of any social context.
- Ability to read, locate historically and analyze critically contemporary literary texts.
- Ability to study practices of Galician culture and its social and historical dimensions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Antón García Rodríguez


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Álvarez, Rosario, Xosé Luís Regueira e Henrique Monteagudo (1995) [1986]. Gramática Galega. Vigo: Galaxia.

Carballeira Anllo, Xosé María (coord.) (2004) [2002]. Dicionario Xerais da Lingua. Vigo: Xerais.

Carballo Calero, Ricardo (1979) [1963]. Historia da literatura galega contemporánea. Vigo: Galaxia.

Freixeiro Mato, Xosé Ramón (1998-2003). Gramática da lingua galega (4 vols.). Vigo: A Nosa Terra.

ILG e RAG (2003) [1982]. Normas ortográficas e morfolóxicas do idioma galego. Vigo: ILG e RAG.

Mariño Paz, Ramón (1988). Historia da lingua galega. Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco.

Tarrío Varela, Anxo (1998) [1994]. Literatura galega. Aportacións a unha historia crítica. Vigo: Xerais.

Vázquez Cuesta, Pilar (2002). O que um falante de Português deve saber acerca do Galego. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, Cátedra de Estudos Galegos da Universidade de Lisboa.

Vilavedra, Dolores (1999): Historia da literatura galega. Vigo: Galaxia.

Teaching method

The grammatical and historical contents (about language and literature) are developed by theoretical explanations, coordinated with a practical approach to learning the language. It is customary to use real materials (texts, videos, hearings) and to propose exercises for its correct assimilation.

The objectives regarding to the learning of Galician language are covered by a communicative and practical approach, based on the work of students with oral and written resources and the production of the materials themselves.

The teaching methodology of current literature and culture favors the study of texts and other cultural products, and aims to stimulate critical reflection on them.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - - Critical review of a book of current Galician literature (15%) - Monographic work on a topic of Galician culture (25%)(40%), Interest and exercises in the class (30%), Test to evaluate the basic language competences(30%)

Subject matter

1. Language, literature and culture in the Galician case.
1.1. Sociolinguistic situation.
1.2. Models of linguistic and cultural planning.
1.3. Criteria for the definition of the literature and culture.

2. History and elaboration of modern Galician language.
2.1. The Galician in the Iberian and Roman contexts.
2.2. The historical relationship between Galician and Portuguese.
2.3. The ortographic debate: the history and the present.
2.4. Preparation and development of modern Galician.
2.4.1. Ortographic and morphological rules.
2.4.2. Analogies and differences with the Portuguese. Lexis and Semantics.

3. History of Galician literature and current emergence of Galician culture.
3.1. Historical chronology of Galician literature. Periodization and canon.
3.2. The literary trajectory of Rosalia de Castro.
3.2. The artistic and intellectual trajectory of Castelao.
3.3. The literary trajectory of X.L. Mendez Ferrin.
3.4. Contemporary culture: music, cinema, theater, plastic arts.


Programs where the course is taught: