Performance Evaluation in Information Services
- Understand the main concepts, theories and approaches on performance and sustainability assessment.
- Know the main performance evaluation models
- Create / apply performance indicators based on international standards.
- Develop performance assessment skills appropriate to organizational contexts.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Leonor Borralho Gaspar Pinto
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (2015) - Toolkit: libraries and the post-2015 development agenda.
The Hague: IFLA. também disponível em:
Matthews, J. R. (2007) - The Evaluation and Measurement of Library Services. Westport, CN: Libraries Unlimited.
Brophy, P. (2006) - Measuring library performance: principles and techniques. London: Facet.
Ochôa, P.; Pinto, L. G. (2015) – Informação e Cultura na Agenda Pós-2015: análise das dinâmicas de convergência na avaliação de impactos. Páginas A&B. 3ª Série, n. 3 (2015), p.37-51.
United Nations (2015) - Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Disponível em:
Teaching method
The seminar will be developed through presential classes and independent work by students. The face-to-face classes will have a theoretical-practical character, consisting of moments of theoretical exposition of the themes, practical exercises, oral presentations and debates participated by the students. Students should read the material that is suggested before each class. The autonomous work of the students must complement and deepen the knowledge transmitted in the classroom, promoting autonomous learning by the students. Simulation exercises can also be performed in class or in an organizational context.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Attendance and Participation(10%), Group work (oral presentation)(15%), Group work (written presentation) (45%), Individual text commentary (30%)
Subject matter
1. Conceptual framework:
1.1. From tradition to new frontiers in assessing the performance of information systems;
1.2. Types of valuation objects;
1.3. Main evaluation processes and techniques.
2. Performance evaluation models:
2.1. Categorizations;
2.2 Perspectives and approaches.
3. Research and performance evaluation practices in information services in Portugal:
3.1. The emergence of the primacy of the user;
3.2. Valuing performance information;
3.3. In search of Quality (Total);
3.4. Integrated models.
4. Evaluation of electronic services and resources:
4.1. Guidelines and standards;
4.2. Performance measures and indicators;
4.3. Web 2.0: challenges and opportunities.
5. Sustainability and evaluation:
5.1 Principles, key concepts and context (s);
5.2. Evaluation of policies, strategies and dimensions;
5.3 "Green" information products and services;
5.4 Sustainability metrics for information services.
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