Information Curation: Acquisition and Organization of Information
- Determine requirements and evaluate information management systems;
- Understand the theoretical and methodological principles for the production, acquisition, organization, evaluation and representation of information;
- Be able to use standards, design guidelines and apply techniques and other tools inherent in the production, acquisition, organization, evaluation and representation of information;
- Understand how different socio-political contexts and models can influence the production, acquisition, organization, evaluation and representation of information;
- Identify the challenges and solutions for information management in the changing world.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Leitão
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
Cassidy, Anita (2005) - A Practical Guide to Information Systems Strategic Planning, 2ª ed. Taylor & Francis.
Coelho, José Dias (coord.) et al. (2012) - Repensar a Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento no Início do Século XXI, Lisboa: Sílabo.
Hunter,E. J. (2009). Classification made simple: an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval. 3ª ed. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. xi, 163 p.
Laudon, K. C. & Laudon, J. P. (2007). Management information systems. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, IXVI, 645 p.
Marques, Maria Beatriz, Gomes, Liliana Esteves (coord.), Ciência da Informação: visões e tendências, Coimbra, IUC, 2020.
Lei Zeng, M. & Qin, J. (2008). Metadata. London: Facet Publishing.
Svenonius, E. (2009). The intellectual foundation of information organization. Boston: MIT Press.
Teaching method
Exposition of theoretical contents.
Seminar-oriented discussion.
Tutorial guidance.
Visits to institutions
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Reading analysis of a theoretical text(30%), Written Essay(70%)
Subject matter
- Information flow and phases;
- Design and planning of the information management system;
- Creation of data, information and documents;
- Documents and evidence;
- Acquisition. Capture / collection of data, information and documents, in a hybrid and digital environment, in accordance with the documented policies;
- Organization of information in a hybrid and digital environment. Models and tools. Organization systems. Ontologies, classifications, thesaurus;
- Structures and languages of descriptive and representation, structural and technical metadata;
- Semantic web;
- Evaluation, selection and elimination of data, information and documents in accordance with policies and legislation;
- Transfers to other custodian entity (ies) (repositories / data center).
Programs where the course is taught: