Management and Programming of Cultural and Creative Projects
The UC intends to respond to the needs arising from a new cultural scenario that we have witnessed in the last two decades, namely the need on the part of institutions for qualified and updated professionals in the fields of culture, as well as the new challenges faced by cultural professionals in virtue of the communicational and technological innovations of recent years. The student must be able to reflect on the current situation of the cultural sector in Portugal and what challenges are faced today by a professional in the field of culture; to deepen the theoretical and methodological knowledge indispensable for the study of the daily realities of the programming, management and maintenance of cultural facilities; conceive, organize and produce cultural and creative events and projects; develop cultural master plans for cultural institutions and facilities and develop the skills necessary for advanced training and consultancy in these areas.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Patrícia Alexandra Correia Ascensão
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
- AAVV (2002), Projeto e Circunstância. Culturas Urbanas em Portugal. Porto: Afrontamento;
- AAVV (2004), Públicos da Cultura. Lisboa: OAC;
- AAVV (2010), Novos Trilhos Culturais. Práticas e Políticas. Lisboa: ICS;
- AAVV (2012), Cultura Política e Práticas de Cultura. Lisboa: Fonte da Palavra;
- Aguileta, I. L. de (2000), Cultura y ciudad. Manual de política cultural municipal. Gijon: Trea;
- Debord, G. (2012), A Sociedade do Espetáculo. Lisboa: Antígona;
- Esquenazi, J. P. (2006). Sociologia dos Públicos. Porto: Porto Editora;
- Lipovetsky, G. (2013), A Cultura-mundo. Resposta a uma sociedade desorientada. Lisboa: Edições 70;
- Lopes, J. T. (2007), Da Democratização à Democracia Cultural. Uma reflexão sobre políticas culturais e espaço
público. Porto: Profedições;
- Madeira, C. (2002), Novos Notáveis. Os programadores Culturais. Oeiras: Celta;
- Pais, J. M. (2002), Sociologia da Vida Quotidiana. Lisboa: ICS;
- Ribeiro, A. P. (2000), Ser feliz é imoral. Lisboa: Cotovia.
Teaching method
Theoretical, with presentation of examples and topics for discussion.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Active participation in the proposed sessions and activities(10%), Production of a critical review and respective oral discussion / presentation based on one of the texts indicated by the teacher(30%), Production of an individual theoretical / practical final work(60%)
Subject matter
The cultural city and the cultures in the city. The cities within the city.
- Contemporary challenges of cultural programming. The dimensions of cultural programming: supply, demand,
creation, training, circulation and internationalization. The role of the cultural programmer: mediator or curator?
Cultural practices and consumption. Culture audiences.
- Cultural programming in the city and for the city. The definition of a strategic plan for the cultural sector and
creative. The strategic management of cultural projects. Design and implementation of cultural and creative projects:
the production phases, the actors. Financing of cultural organizations and projects.
Programs where the course is taught: