Especialização em Análise de Dados e Visualização da Informação

Education objectives

The Specialization Course in Data Analysis and Information Visualization is pedagogically designed to provide knowledge, skills and competences necessary to develop a solid base in fields that are increasingly relevant in research and in the labor market. The specialization aims to prepare students to work on complex data analysis projects that require the development of visual interfaces to communicate findings.
The four curricular units of this specialization allow students to acquire general and specific skills indispensable for the current work and scientific context:
Basic concepts, operations, formulas, pivot tables and crossing data in spreadsheets;
Introduction to formats and databases: how to read, convert and use files in different formats, as well as the importance of open data;
Competences in different tools for data analysis and the creation of graphs, maps and visualizations;
Definitions and concepts of design and interaction;
The importance of information coding.

General characterization

DGES code



Postgraduate programmes



Access to other programs

Not applicable.


Paulo Nuno Gouveia Vicente

Opening date





900 Euros/year


Presencial Pós-Laboral

Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

Total credits: 30 ECTS credits based in the compulsory curricular units.

(1 ECTS - European Credit Transfer System = a 28-hour workload).

Conditions of admittance

Application and access conditions to the cycle of studies reflect the conditions established in the national legislation, namely: - To hold a degree (1st cycle), or legal equivalent; - To hold a foreign academic degree recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of NOVA FCSH; - To hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae, recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of NOVA FCSH. Applicants will be selected and ranked according to the criteria annually defined in the application edict.

Evaluation rules

The evaluation regulation in force at the host institution is adopted. Each curricular unit describes the assessment methods in detail. 1) Mandatory precedence is not required for attending postgraduate courses. 2) Knowledge assessment is individual and will be carried out at the end of the academic semester. In the assessment of knowledge, final written and/or oral tests, works or other elements of assessment carried out by students within the different curricular units will be considered under conditions to be defined by the respective teachers. The evaluation result will be expressed on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 values. 3) It is considered approved in a curricular unit the student who obtains the final classification equal or superior to 10 values.