Supervised Data Project


The curricular unit "Supervised Data Project" will serve to consolidate the concepts learned in the curricular units of the first semester, through one of the essential processes for the acquisition of "hard and soft skills": experience. In this curricular unit, students will have to carry out a group visualization project.

The main objective of this course is to provide a real production environment independent of visualizations. Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the curricular units of the previous semester independently, serving the chair teacher only as moderator of the process. At the end of the semester the student should have:

  • Acquired practical experience in the construction and evaluation of visualizations;
  • Learned to make decisions regarding the treatment and representation of data autonomously.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ilo Aguiar Reginaldo Alexandre


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 420

Teaching language



Not applicable.


  • Brewer, Cynthia A. "Color use guidelines for data representation." In Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics, American Statistical Association, pp. 55-60. 1999;
  • Cawthon, Nick, and Andrew Vande Moere. "The effect of aesthetic on the usability of data visualization" In Information Visualization, 2007. IV07. 11th International Conference, pp. 637-648. IEEE, 2007;
  • Chen, Chaomei. "Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems." IEEE computer graphics and applications 25, no. 4 2005): 12-16;
  • Gershon, Nahum, and Ward Page. "What storytelling can do for information visualization." Communications of the ACM 44, no. 8 (2001): 31-37;
  • Segel, Edward, and Jeffrey Heer. "Narrative visualization: Telling stories with data." IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 16, no. 6 (2010): 1139-1148;
  • Tufte, Edward R. "The visual display of quantitative information." Vol. 2, no. 9. Cheshire, CT: Graphics press, 1983.

Teaching method

Classes will be for students to develop projects. There will be only a few expository classes and most will be dedicated only to the development and presentations of the various phases of the projects.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - Planning diary(35%), Presentation(20%)

Subject matter

  • Design thinking exercise;
  • Project definition;
  • Proposal development;
  • Data collection and processing;
  • Sketch;
  • Visualization creation.