Performance Languages


There is little research on scenic languages in Portuguese universities (understood as live performances, as in theatre, dance, opera, circus or performance), which are as important and live artistic manifestations as literature or painting, for instances. This seminar may help to fulfil that gap. Our students are expected to:
1. Acquire the main conceptual and theoretical tools to the study of scenic languages;
2. Get to know some of the main creators and works in the history of the stage, including contemporaneity;
3. Be able to discuss critically, and with good arguments, some of the works he will watch, live or on DVD;
4. Be able to develop a personal and autonomous research on a subject, an author or a work, with critical and sustained perspective, and to present it, both orally and in written, in a clear and well argued form.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Filipe Gouveia Monteiro


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language





BADIOU, Alain, Rapsodia para el Teatro, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo, 2015
BLAU, Herbert, To All Appearances: ideology and performance, N.Y., Routledge,
BOGART, Anne, A Preparação do Diretor: sete ensaios sobre arte e teatro, S. Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2011
BORIE, Monique, Estética Teatral, Lisboa, F.C.Gulbenkian, 1996
LEHMANN, Hans-Thies, Teatro Pós-dramático, S. Paulo, Cosac & Naify, 2007
MONTEIRO, Paulo Filipe, Drama e Comunicação, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2010
--- "Experimentar viver: Bartís, Bausch, Pérez, Pavlovsky", in Correia,Fragoso, Ribeiro e Canaveira (orgs.), A Arte da Cultura, Lisboa, Colibri, 2011
KRASNER e SALTZ (eds.), Staging Philosophy: intersections of theatre, performance and philosophy, Michigan, University of Michigan Press, 2009
PLASENCIA, C. (ed.), Um Teatro sem Teatro, Barcelona e Lisboa, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona e Museu Colecção Berardo, 2007
SZONDI, Peter, Teoria do Drama Moderno: 1880 1950, S. Paulo, Cosac & Naify, 2001

Teaching method

At graduate level, teacher´s presentations must be supported by readings of texts, in order to promote good critical discussion. Students must also present their research, including preparation of audiovisual materials, introducing diverse cases and different perspectives on themes, authors and films of one or more performing art.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - Reading and theoretical research(20%), Study Visits(10%), Written paper (40%) & Oral presentation of original research (30%)(70%)

Subject matter

The aim of this seminar is to look at what is happening in contemporary scenic languages in the light of historical theories and practices, especially in the last two centuries.
It is organized in 4 blocks:
1. From the crisis of classical drama to the contemporary scene
2. Humanization and dehumanization of the scene
3. Characters, actors and direction of actors
4. The last block will consist of students' investigations into a scenic language (for example an author, a school, a movement, a methodology), thus broadening the range of topics and authors covered.


Programs where the course is taught: