Spatial Planning Techniques and Methodologies
a) To understand the relationship between territory - territorial dynamics - territorial-planning;
b) To master methodologies for analysis and diagnosis;
c) To master methodologies for building intervention solutions;
d) To understand the planning as a complex process;
e) To perceive differences and complementarities between strategic planning and physical planning;
f) To use of specific methodologies of analysis, diagnosis, goals structuring, stakeholders analysis, scenarios, choose alternatives;
g) To discuss the process of (re) classification and (re) qualification of the land;
h) To understand the relationship between restrictions of occupation, spatial model and plan regulation;
i) To consolidate the ability to write reports and technical advice;
j) To develop skills in articulating the methodological component of territorial planning with component GIS.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Margarida Angélica Pires Pereira Esteves
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 280
Teaching language
Not applicable
Abbott, J. (2005) Understanding and Managing the Unknown: The Nature of Uncertainty, Planning, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 24: 237-251
AAVV (2016) Classificação do Solo e Urbanismo - Atas e Comunicações, Lisboa: CCDRLVT/DSOT
DGOTDU (2011) Servidões e Restrições de Utilidade Pública. Edição Digital Fernadez Guell, J.M. (2006) Planificación Estratégica de Ciudades. Nuevos instrumentos y procesos. Barcelona: Editorial Reverté
GÉOCARREFOUR (2005) Le diagnostic des territoires, vol. 80, nº. 2
Godet, M. (2000) A Caixa de Ferramentas da Prospetiva Estratégica. Lisboa:Cadernos do CEPES
Gourmelon, F. et al. (eds) (2012) La géoprospective, L’Espace Géographique, vol. 41, nº 2
Gómez Orea, D. (2008) Ordenación Territorial, 2ª Ed. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa/Editorial Agrícola Espanõla, S.A.
Hall, P. & Tewdwr-Jones, M. (2020) Urban and Regional Planning, Sixth Edition, Abingdon: Routledge
Moine, A. (2007) Le Territoire: Comment Observer un Système Complexe. Paris: L’Harmattan
Teaching method
Teaching is based on FCSH e-learning platform where all materials and recommended reading are available all materials and recommended reading.
A Welcome presentation is available at the beginning of the semester with the CU objectives, the program, the general bibliography, the evaluation criteria, and the scheduling of activities and evaluation. For each LU exists an introductory presentation that contains its goals, contents, specific bibliography and a detailed description of the application exercises.
There is a weekly chat session in which students can interact with teachers in real time. The session log is available on the platform. Participation is optional, not counting for evaluation.
Evaluation method
Evaluation method - Continuous assessment (50%), translated into each LU in: Forum (public debate on a theme focused on LU) - 40%; Individual work - 60% (application exposed methodologies in LU).(50%), Final exam (in person) on the subject taught(50%)
Subject matter
1. TERRITORRY AND PLANNING PROCESS. Territory - territorial dynamics - territorial planning Planning as a complex process. The uncertainty in Planning
2. DIAGNOSTIC METHODOLOGIES IN REGIONAL PLANNING. Characterization of issues. SWOT matrix and structural matrix. Mapping of stakeholders and analysis of their strategies. Structuring issues and goals. Physical and legal restrictions to the land use.
Benefits of foresight in unstable contexts. Methods for development scenarios. Decision support methodologies. Delphi methodology. Multi-criteria methods. The plan´s vision and action plan. Criteria for (re) classification and (re) qualification of the land. Interventions in urban space: urban sprawl to urban regeneration. Purposeful approach in rural areas. Articulation between the documents proposing the plan.
Programs where the course is taught: