Territorial Management


a) To develop theoretical and practical aspects concerning the implementation of plans, the process (continuous and single) of planning and territorial management focus at the municipal level and sensitive areas;
b) To understand and learn how to implement public participation processes;
c) To know the processes for implementation of plans and the values at stake;
d) To know the implementation schedule; instruments and delivery systems;
e) To understand and apply the urban management perequacion;
f) To learn how to identify the main conflicts and limitations of the current system of territorial management;
g) To learn how to program the implementation of plans and monitoring.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos Manuel Prudente Pereira da Silva


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 280

Teaching language





Carvalho, J. & Oliveira, F. P. (2003). Perequação, Taxas e Cedências . Administração Urbanística em Portugal. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina.

Carvalho, J. (2012). Dos Planos à Execução Urbanística. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina

Correia, P.V.D. (2002). Políticas de Solos no Planeamento Municipal (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

DGOTDU (várias datas). Normas Urbanísticas, volumes I a IV, Lisboa: DGTODU.

Ferreira, F. (2007). Gestão Estratégica de Cidades e Regiões (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Ridder, D., Mostert, E., Wolters, H. A. (Ed.), (2006). Learning Together to Manage Together. Harmonising Collaborative Planning. Osnabrueck: Institute of Environmental Systems Research.

Legislação em vigor (a indicar no decurso das aulas). Current legislation (to be indicated in the classes).

Teaching method

Teaching is based on FCSH e-learning platform where all materials and recommended reading are available all materials and recommended reading.
A Welcome presentation is available at the beginning of the semester with the CU objectives, the program, the general bibliography, the evaluation criteria, and the scheduling of activities and evaluation. For each LU exists an introductory presentation that contains its goals, contents, specific bibliography and a detailed description of the application exercises.
There is a weekly chat session in which students can interact with teachers in real time. The session log is available on the platform. Participation is optional, not counting for evaluation.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - Continuous Evaluation (50%), which is the result in each learning unit (UA) of two elements: Participation in the platform (Forum) 40% + Individual work (essay) 60%(50%), Final Exam (in situ) on all the contents studied during the course(50%)

Subject matter

1)The role of territorial management in the planning process. Scales and competences.
2) Governance and Territorial Governance. From the governance structures to public participation
3) The Management of the territory in sensitive areas. Compatibilities and conflicts between uses. The Special Programs for Spatial Management
4) Characteristics of the market, land use dynamics, the role of the different agents that work in areas of conservation, rehabilitation and expansion of urban areas
5) The perequacion for urban management. The implementation of municipal plans, Abilities and limitations of the law
6) From solutions presented by plans to it's implementation.


Programs where the course is taught: