Sustainable Urban Management
The discipline of Sustainable Urban Management aims at offering advanced education in the organization and in the tools that are the most appropriate for the urban management through orientations of sustainability that promote the efficiency, transparency and the implementation of the objectives in a rational management of human, natural and financial resources in order to offer a more sustainable future to the cities.
In view of the rapid alterations at a social, technological and political level that have occurred up to now it is very important to stimulate the teaching of new ways of different models of government and methods of management that are directed to a new and emerging culture of the public administration that is more participative, transparent and efficient and that respects the principles of sustainability.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Margarida Angélica Pires Pereira Esteves
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 84
Teaching language
AAVV (2016) Classificação do Solo e Urbanismo - Atas e Comunicações. Lisboa: CCDRLVT/DSOT
Carvalho, J. (2012) Dos planos à execução urbanística. Coimbra: Almedina
Carvalho, J. & Oliveira, F. (2003) Perequação, Taxas e Cedências. Administração Urbanística em Portugal. Coimbra: Almedina
Condessa, B. e al (2013) “A Perequação nos Planos de Pormenor: da Prática Nacional às Propostas de Melhoria de Aplicação”, Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, Évora.
DGOTDU (2002) O sistema de execução de planos e a perequação. Comunicações, comentários e conclusões. Lisboa: MCOTA/ DGOTDU
Guinote, J. (2019). A afetação social das mais-valias no planeamento urbano – a nova lei de solos em Portugal. Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (GOT), n.º 17, CEGOT, 93-121
Oliveira, F. (2002) Sistemas e Instrumentos de Execução dos Planos. Coimbra: CEDOUA.
Scholl, C & Kemp, R. (2016) City Labs as Vehicles for Innovation in Urban Planning Processes, Urban Planning, v.1, Issue 4, 89-102
Teaching method
The teaching methodologies contemplate: the lecturing of the professor, the realization of work, the discussion in groups and the field studies. The teaching methodologies comprise the exposition of different components of theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical education that include the concepts, principles and global orientations up to the phase of concretization and practice.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - group work (2-3 elements)(40%), writing test(60%)
Subject matter
The concept of urban management and sustainable urban management. The organization of the municipal urban management: Competences of the municipality in the field of city planning. The organization of the town hall in the field of city planning and urban management. The different views of management.
The basis information for the urban management.
The management for the implementation of the plans and the municipal objectives.
The decision making processes: management of processes; tools, stakeholders.
Publication of the activity: statistics, activity report, analysis of tendencies, report on the state of city planning and the territorial planning.