Writing History


This curricular unit is particularly oriented to accompany masters’ dissertations
and is based on a theoretical and practical methodology. The theoretical basis
will place students in the main historiographical currents in the field of Overseas
Expansion, in particular in the methodologies of Global History. The seminar will
acquaint students with historical research techniques and methodologies, rules
on bibliographical quotations and sources and the construction of the historical
narrative. The aim is for students to learn to recognise the “state of the art” in
the field of current historiography; to position their work in the world of the
present historiographical currents; to identify and operationalise the principal
stages of the historical method; to produce a clear, solidly grounded narrative.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Cristina Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brito


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language



Available soon


BLACK, Jeremy e MACLRAILD, Donald D., Studying History, 2ª ed. Londres,
Palgrave, 2000
CONRAD, Sebastian. What is Global History? Princeto, Princeton UP, 2016
ECO, Humberto, Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas, Lisboa,
Presença, 1982
GALGANO, Michael et al., Doing History. Research and Writing in the Digital
Age, Thomson Wadsworth, 2008.
MATTOSO, JOSÉ, A Escrita da História. Teoria e Métodos, Lisboa, Estampa,
STOREY, William Kelleher, Writing History. A Guide for Students, Oxford
University Press, 1999.
TURABIN, Kate, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and
Dissertations, 7ª ed., 2007 [1995]

Teaching method

This curricular unit will be taught via
asynchronous e-learning supported by the Moodle platform. The curricular unit
will be taught using e-books produced specifically for this purpose. Teaching is
based on collaborative learning – for instance, encouraging participation in peer
forums. There will be continuous assessment of individual works presented
during the period when the various topics are being taught, through participation
in peer forums and a final research project on a theme and according to a
working plan, which will be discussed in advance and agreed during the
teaching period. It is mandatory that the paper's discussion with the teacher in a
presencial session or by videoconference (Moodle plattaform or any other
secure connection).

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1. The historiography of the Expansion and the Discoveries: a synthetic view. 2.
Introduction to research methods in history. 3. Primary and secondary sources.
4. Formal aspects of an academic thesis. 5. Constructing a historical narrative.


Programs where the course is taught: