Gender theories, feminisms and women's studies


Students should obtain:
1) in-depth knowledge of the already extensive heritage of gender, feminist and women's studies and theories;
2) develop cognitive and conceptual skills that allow them to develop a theoretical framework to guide the research for their doctoral thesis.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel Gaspar da Silva Lisboa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 224

Teaching language



Available soon


Amâncio, Lígia (1994), Masculino e Feminino. A construção Social da Diferença, Porto: Afrontamento;
Blackless, M. A. et al. (2000), “How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis”, American Journal of Human Biology, 12, pp.151-166;
Butler, J. (1999), Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, London & New York.
Connell, R. W. (2002). Gender. Cambridge: Polity;
Kimmel, M. (2000), The Gendered Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press;
Lorber, J. e Farrel, S. (eds.) (1991), The Social Construction of Gender, Los Angeles: Sage;
Spade, J.Z.; Valentine, C. G. (2014), The Kaleidoscope of Gender. Prisms, Patterns, and Possibilities, London, Sage, (4th edition);
Torres, Anália Porque precisamos de estudos de género, feminismos e estudos sobre as mulheres? In;

Teaching method

Classes are distributed through a balanced set of theoretical, practical and theoretical-practical classes. It is intended that the students can pratice content writting, through the analysis of texts, but also the development of their capacity

for expression and oral presentation.
The evaluation is based on four types of delivery:

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - Classroom presentation of the analysis and comparison of two texts provided by the professor, and chosen according to the themes that most interest students(30%), Elaboration of a written work from these texts that incorporate the debate and the suggestions made in class (40%), Oral presentation, and delivery of a script, of a first thematic approach that could constitute, an initial exploratory phase of the pre-research project (20%); Participation and involvement in reading the texts discussed in class (10%).(30%)

Subject matter

1. Sex and gender: evolution and transformation of concepts. Research results from different scientific areas.
2. From feminist contributions and women ́s studies to gender studies. From the beginning of the 20th century to the 21st century.
3. Contributions of the different theoretical currents - structuralism, interactionism, poststructuralism and integrative perspectives.
4. Gender and aspects of life: the transverseness of the gender in cultures, in different institutions and in intimate relationships and emotions.
5. Gender relations, power relations, reproduction and sexuality. Discrimination and violence.
6. The contributions from intersectionality ́s perspective, from masculinities, LGBT and post-colonial ́s studies.
7. Gender equality and contemporary societies. What persists and what has changed. Examples from empirical research.


Programs where the course is taught: