Gender, Equality and Human Rights


To understand the close and indispensable relationship between "Equality and Gender", through a critical and analytical perspective that encompasses the legal and juridical theory involved in this issue.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Teresa Couceiro Pizarro Beleza


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 224

Teaching language



Available soon


- Ius Gentium Conimbrigensis, (FDUC), "Compreender os Direitos Humanos", Vital Moreira, Carla de Marcelino Gomes (coord.), Coimbra Editora; acessível online em;
- Anne Hellum and Henriette Sinding Aasen (Editors),Women's Human Rights: CEDAW in International, Regional and National Law (Studies on Human Rights Conventions) Cambridge Univ Press, 2015;

- Teresa Pizarro Beleza, Direito das Mulheres e da Igualdade Social, Almedina, 2010;
- Teresa Pizarro Beleza, «Women's Rights in International Law», in Gender Violence, cadernos IDN, 2013, acessível online em

Teaching method

Dialogical sessions in the format of seminars with previous suggestion of readings. Case law of real life situations analysis to enable an understanding of the role of Law in the construction and deconstruction of inequalities. Seminars will be partially dedicatd to students' presentations of chosen topics; evalution will be based on these oral presentations as well as on a final written report that will extend and deepen the student's presentation.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

"Gender Equality" (GE) is an essencial dimension of Human Rights as we understand them today and this can be perceived not just through the political discourses and practices but also in general international or regional Declarations and Conventions (UDHR, 1948; International Covenants of Civil and Social Rights, UN, 1966; European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Council of Europe, 1950, etc). Or specific Conventions and Declarations - especially those more relevant to GE issues - CEDAW, 1979, Istanbul Convention, 2011, etc. Or the Recommendations from organisations such as the Council of Europe and EU Directives.

In addition, in national Constitutions, starting with the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (1976) and other domestic law. And in jurisprudence.


Programs where the course is taught: