Gender Studies and Human Sciences


We expect the students: a) To acquire and intersect theoretical and methodogical tools from the area of Gender Studies with approaches from the History of Power and Cultural History; b) To familiarize themselves with fundamental and recurrent issues in the study of three specific themes within this field; c) To develop the ability for autonomous study; d) To train research practices in Human Sciences.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel Gaspar da Silva Lisboa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 224

Teaching language



Available soon


ANASTÁCIO, V. (Org.) (2013).Uma Antologia Improvável. Mulheres e Cultura Escrita (sécs. XVI-XVIII). Lisboa: Relógio d’Água;
ANASTÁCIO, V. (2015).Notes on the Querelle des femmes in eighteenth-century Portugal. Portuguese Studies, 31-1, 49- 61;
CANNING, K. (2006). Gender History in Practice: Historical Perspectives on Bodies, Class and Citizenship. New York: Cornell University Press;
DINES, G. & HUMEZ, J. M. (2003). Gender, Race, and Class in Media. A Text-Reader. Boston: Sage Publications; DOWNS, L. L. (2004). Writing Gender History. London: Hodder Arnold;
GHAILL, M. (2006). Gender, Culture and Society: Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities. London: Palgrave Macmillan;
GAUNTLETT, D. (2002). Media, Gender and Identity. An Introduction. London: Routledge;
MACEDO, A. G. (org.) (2002). Género, Identidade e Desejo. Antologia Crítica do feminismo Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Livros Cotovia;

Teaching method

Classes combine theoretical and practical activities, including lecturing, group discussion and the students’ participation. Strategies involving the oriented discussion of texts/cultural artefacts on different themes of the unit’s syllabus are privileged, as well as the debate of issues supported in brief documentaries and the presentation of the research results by the students.

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - a research paper to be discussed in class (75%), the student´s active and regular participaton in class ((25%)

Subject matter

Gender Studies and Human Sciences: concepts, approaches, methodologies; Gender and History: male and female royal power in the Middle Ages;
Gender and Literature: women and written culture in the Early Modern Period; Gender and Culture: gender representation /reconfiguration in cinema.


Programs where the course is taught: