Seminar V


This course unit aims to:
- Promote the academic and institutional integration of students in the PhD program in Gender Studies;
- Develops student ́s skills in presentation (written or oral) and discussion of scientific work;
- Promote a collective approach, in the seminar, to individual research carried out within the framework of the PhD project;
- Monitor and encourage students to develop their PhD projects.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel Gaspar da Silva Lisboa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language



Available soon



Teaching method

The seminar has a dialogical, informal and tutorial nature.
The professor will be a facilitator of the discussion, while giving her/his contribution, but it will also be required that the students contribute with criticism and suggestions to the research work of their colleagues.
The evaluation will be held based on two criteria:
- the student ́s attendance;
- the quality of the student's participation in the seminars.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

This Seminar will be organized in sessions involving three distinct types of activities:
- presentation of techniques / tools for bibliographic collection, handling and citation;
- presentation and discussion of completed and already argued thesis ́s chapters, in order to familiarize students with the criteria of scientific requirements, and techniques and styles of writing and structuring dissertations;
- student ́s presentation and discussion of their individual doctoral projects in their various stages of preparation so that can all enrich with each other ́s contributions.


Programs where the course is taught: