Identities, Body and Sexualities


Research: An understanding of the key ways in which bodies and sexualities have been theorized in the social sciences, and have been a constituency of the concept of identity, a central axe of theorization and debate in the arena of gender.

Reflexivity: Ability to draw upon different sources of information to analyse contemporary and historical bodies and sexualities as well as the connections between gender and identity. Students are to develop the capacity of integrating these topics in their analytical frameworks.

Personal & Intellectual Autonomy: New ways of thinking about questions of sexuality, body and identity. Development of skills to evaluate different theorizations and different contexts, whether historical or geographic. New ways of understanding the linkages between power and gender, bodies and embodiments, plural sexualities, identities and politics.

Ethical Understanding: A greater appreciation of cultural, bodily, sexual and gender diversity.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel Gaspar da Silva Lisboa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 224

Teaching language



Available soon


FFOUCAULT, Michel (1994), História da Sexualidade (3 vols.), Lisboa, Relógio d’Água;
GIDDENS, A. (2001), Modernidade e identidade pessoal, Oeiras, Celta;
HALBERSTAM, Judith (1998b), Female Masculinity, Durham, Duke University Press;
KATZ, Jonathan Ned (1996), The invention of heterosexuality, USA, Plume/ Penguin;
LAQUEUR, Thomas (1999), Making Sex: Body and gender from the Greeks to Freud, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;

PLUMMER, Ken (2003), Intimate Citizenship: Private decisions and public dialogues, Seattle, University of Washington Press;
SEIDMAN, Steven (ed.) (1996), Queer Theory/ Sociology, Cornwall, Blackwell Publishers;
STEIN, Edward (ed.) (1992), Forms of Desire: Sexual orientation and the social constructionist controversy, New York, Routledge;

STRAUSS, Anselm L. (2002), Mirrors and Masks: The search for identity, New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers; WEEKS, Jeffrey (2014), Sex, Politics and Society: The regulations of sexuality since 1800, London, Routledge.

Teaching method

In-class exercises; participation in thematic debates, final report and presentation.

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - Discussion of text material and oral participation(25%), Writen essay(75%)

Subject matter

1)Identity: theories, practices and politics

a.Theoretical approaches: structuralism and structural-constructivism; interactionism and ethnomethodology; post-

b.Identity, self and individualization
c.Identity and identity politics in contemporary societies

a.Theoretical approaches: culturalism and materiality
b.Normal bodies and bio-power: denormalizing the body in medicine and society c.Intersections: bodies, gender, sexuality and racialization
d.Contesting bodily dualisms and subalternizations
e.Politics of marginal bodies

a.Theoretical approaches to identity and sex, gender and sexuality;
b.LGBTIQ people and social institutions; techniques for challenging and resisting systems of privilege c.Heterossexuality and gender change
d.Violence and oppressions


Programs where the course is taught: