Engineering Physics

Education objectives

The competitiveness of the global market created new needs: decrease the time for technology transfer between research and industrial production; foster research and development at company level; seek new business areas in high-tech products with high added value, in order to compensate for the loss of competitiveness of traditional industries; solve new problems of increasing technological complexity. These factors become increasingly important the formation of engineers with these skills and so, since 1980, we are witnessing a growing interest in training in the area of ​​ Physics Engineering in all developed countries including Japan, the United States and Finland . Physics Engineering aims to develop new technologies that require applications belonging to the areas of physics that are not covered by traditional engineering, in particular those of modern physics.

Fulfilling the objectives of the 3rd cycle to ensure training leading to conceptual or instrumental innovation capabilities, critical analysis and evaluation, promotion of technological progress, skills that result from specialization and systematic understanding of a scientific-technological sub-area and the acquisition of skills and research methods , this doctoral program aims at training specialists with great innovation and technological progress capacity to promote following sub-areas of Physics Engineering:

Surface Engineering and Interfaces (thin films, catalysis, interface processes at molecular level, surface spectroscopies)

Studies in Advanced Materials (nano-structures, insulators, broadband semi-conductor metal oxides, magnetic materials and super-conductors, liquid crystals)

  • Atomic and molecular spectroscopy

  • Nuclear Analytical Techniques

  • Optical (lasers, fiber optics, spectroscopy)

  • Cryogenics

  • Nanotechnology

  • Instrumentation

These sub-areas, cover topics corresponding to high importance areas (with big international repercussions), with great technological application.

Career opportunities

Ensuring specialists training with strong innovation capabilities and technological progress in the area of promotion of Physics Engineering, this doctoral program gives career opportunities in university teaching and / or research, as well as top places in technical development companies, particularly in the sub-areas mentioned in the objectives. Among the capabilities provided to candidates, these include critical thinking, conceptual autonomy and entrepreneurship, aiming at the creation of new businesses.

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs



Maria Adelaide de Almeida Pedro de Jesus

Opening date





Portuguese students: 2 750 Euros/ year

Foreign students: 2 750 Euros/ year


It depends on the working method of each training course. The working time for the classes will be agreed with each PhD student, or when there are more than 10 students in each year, it will be agreed with all students of the programme.


Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 4 years

Credits: 240 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Engineering Physics EF 216 18
Socio-Economic Sciences CSE 0 3
Any other area QAC 3 0
TOTAL 219 21

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

Available soon


1.º Year
Code Name ECTS
12121 Project 36.0
12120 Seminar 3.0
1.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
12119 Soft Skills 3.0
1.º Semester - Opção A
Code Name ECTS
9552 Cryogenics I 6.0
9553 Experimental Methods in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy 6.0
9554 Nanotechnology and Nanophysics 6.0
9555 Plasma Technology and Thin Films 6.0
9556 Vacuum Technology and Charged Particles 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Semester - Opção B
Code Name ECTS
9557 Cryogenics II 6.0
12122 Photonics and Lasers 6.0
9559 Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Surfaces 6.0
12123 Nonlinear Optics D 6.0
9560 Nuclear analytical techniques 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Semester - Opção C
Code Name ECTS
9557 Cryogenics II 6.0
12122 Photonics and Lasers 6.0
9559 Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Surfaces 6.0
12123 Nonlinear Optics D 6.0
9560 Nuclear analytical techniques 6.0
9561 Advanced Topics in Physics Engineering 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Year
Code Name ECTS
9562 Thesis in Physics Engineering 180.0