Science and Technology of Glass and Ceramic I
At the end of the course students should be able to:
1. Understand the structure and composition on glass and ceramic materials.
2. Understand the main properties of glass and ceramics.
3. Understand the temperature effect on structural transformations in glasses and ceramics.
4. Determine glass and ceramic compositions and set the temperature program for their production.
5. To determine the Tg and compatibility between glasses of different compositions
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Andreia Filipa Cardoso Ruivo, Márcia Gomes Vilarigues
Weekly - 5
Total - 104
Teaching language
Navarro, José Maria Fernandez, El Vidrio, 2ªEd, CSIC, Fundación Centro Nacional del Vidrio, Real Fabrica de Cristais de La Granja, Madrid, 1991.
Shelby, James E., Introduction to Glass Science and Technology, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1997.
Pollard, A. Mark and Heron, Carl, Archaeological Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1996.
M W Barsoum, Fundamentals of ceramics, Series in Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of
Physiscs Publishing Bristol and Philadelphia, 2003.
E M Levin, C R Robbins, H F Mc Murdie, Phase diagrams for ceramists, Am. Ceram. Soc.
Teaching method
Classes with a presentation of the subjects articulated with the resolution of exercises that allow a better understanding of theoretical concepts and help to encourage student participation during class .
Learning is supplemented by oral presentation of papers by students, exercises to be solved inside and outside the classroom and laboratory work (production of glass, production of films on glass, measuring absorption spectra of UV- Vis and dilatometry ) accompanied by written reports of the experimental work.
Grade calculation:
NF= 0.75*(Exam) + 0.25*(Reports of the practical work)
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1. Introduction to materials science:
Crystalline structures; Silicate structure; Ceramic materials and glasses
2. Glasses: Definition; Structure – network former oxides, network modifier oxides, stabilizers and secondary compounds. Raw materials and main types of glasses; Composition of glasses and calculation of the composition; Glass transition temperature; Working point, softening point and annealing point; Temperature schedules for the annealing of glass objects;
3. Ceramics Structure of ceramic crystals, structure of silicates. Clay and clay minerals: Definition, composition and properties Ceramic pastes: composition and properties Production of ceramic objects: forming, decoration and baking Defects in ceramics
4. Different properties of glass and ceramic materials – composition effects Phase equilibrium – phase diagrams of binary and ternary systems Mechanical properties; Mechanical behavior of ceramics and glass Thermal properties. Coefficient of thermal expansion; Compatibility Porosity of ceramic materials