Seminar in Art, Design and Science I
Knowing the concepts of art, science and design.
Developing critical thinking on the activities performend in the fields
of art, science and design.
Developing the ability to organize and transmit data, information and knowlegde.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Rita Andreia Silva Pinto de Macedo , Robert Christopher Wiley III
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
indicated in class
Teaching method
Seminar discussions based on themes or articles proposed by the professors
Evaluation method
Evaluation takes place along the academic weeks* and consists of the following elements:
Attendance and participation 1/3
Panel discussion 1/3
Writting exercise 1/3
* this course does not have an exam
Subject matter
. Introduction to course objectives. Students’ introducing themselves to the group. Description of class procedures and evaluation methods.
. What are art, design and science? Doubts and dilemmas. What do we mean by “knowledge” and how does it relate to art and science?
. Creativity and inovation in Art and Science.
. Art and knowledge in the “History of Philosophical Ideas”. From Ancient Greece to Middle Ages.
. Art and knowledge in the Renaissance. Descartes’ Rationalism and British Empiricism.
. The Enlightenment. Philosophy, science, politics and society in the 18th century.
. The Modernity Paradigm. Academy, French Salon and the emergence of the public exhibition. Art market and art criticism.
. What is exact science according to a scientist?
. What is art according to an artist?
. Visit to Glass art studio (VICARTE)
. Writing exercise