Bibliographic Research and Conservation Documentation
Prepare the student to select and organize the relevant scientific information and document their research.
Development of theoretical and practical knowledge for the production of documentation for the preservation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria da Conceição Lopes Casanova, Rita Andreia Silva Pinto de Macedo
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
See "Others" for more information.
More for Part II
Beerkens, Lydia, (et. al), The Artist Interview. For Conservation and Presentation of Contemporary Art Guidelines and Practice, Amesterdão, Japsam Books, 2012.
Avrami, Erica, et al, Values and Heritage Conservation: Research Report, Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute, 2000.
Ijsbrand Hummelen & Dionne Sillé (coord.), Modern Art: Who Cares?, Londres, Archetype publications, 2005
Muñoz Viñas, Salvador, Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Oxford, Elsevier, 2005.
Teaching method
The program of this course is presented in the form of lectures followed by its practical application, at classroom, which allows a better understanding of the contents by the students.
Evaluation method
The 2021-22 evaluation consists on 50% of each part: A and B. The practical component is composed by an oral presentation ( Part A -35%) and the elaboration of a interview guide (Part B - 35%). The theoretical component consists of a written test (30%) which also includes the part A (15%) and B (15%). The final grade results from the weighted average of these elements.
The oral presentaion consist on critical comment of a chosen article by the student.
To be able to do the exam the student needs to have a positive mark on the practical component of the course.
Note that: In any evaluation moment, students must also take into consideration the provisions of nº3 of article 10º of the ''''Evaluation Rules of FCT NOVA'''', “When fraud or plagiarism is proven in any of the evaluation elements of a UC, students directly involved are outright disapproved at UC, (…). ”
Subject matter
Part I - Bibliographic research and gathering information in the research process
Aims, sources and methods for bibliographic research in natural sciences and conservation.
Introduction to research platforms and other available tools.
Techniques for the organization of information:
i) Conservation Sciences: safety data sheets, the lab. And field notebook, reports, abstracts;
ii) Conservation and Restoration: different typologies of report, graphic, photographic and digital records, checklists;
iii) Organization of information and scientific production: the writing of an article.
Part II - Documentation and decision-making in conservation.
Introduction: Documentation, theory and ethics of conservation.
Documentation concepts of artistic intention, originality and authenticity.
Notions of Documentation and Museums practices.
Documentation production: the role of social and human sciences.
Methodologies and techniques for the production of contemporary art documentation: interviews, oral history, triangulation and validation.
Assessing Documentation as a preservation and conservation strategy.
Programs where the course is taught: