Heritage Scientific, Technological and Industrial


With the knowledge derived from a reading of essays on the theory of heritage and memory, students will acquire knowledge concerning problematizations, concepts and theories about this discipline.

With the exposition classes, the doctoral students acquire a practical vision of the discipline.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Luís Toivola Câmara Leme


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



No requirements.


Françoise Choay. Alegoria do património. Lisboa: edições 70, 2010. 

Paul Connerton. Como as sociedades recordam. Oeiras: Celta, 1996.  

J. Le Goff. História e memória. Lisboa: INC, 1988. 

Maurice Halbwachs. A memória coletiva. São Paulo: Centauro, 2006. 

Pierre Nora. Les Lieux de mémoire. Paris: Gallimard, 1997. 

Jan Assmann. Communicative and cultural memory.

In: ERLL, Astrid; NÜNNING, Ansgar (Ed.). Cultural memory

studies: an international and interdisciplinary handbook.

Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 2008. p. 109-118.

Michel Foucault. A Arqueologia do Saber. Lisboa: Almedina, 2005.

Aloïs Riegl. El Culto Moderno A Los Monumentos. Madrid: Visor, 1987. 

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Françoise Choay: Allegory of the patrimony.

Paul Connerton and J. Le Goff: The concept of memory. 

Maurice Halbwachs: Collective memory and historical memory. 

Pierre Nora: the places of memory.

Jan Assmann: Communicative memory and cultural memory. 

Michel Foucault: documents and monuments.

Aloïs Riegl: the modern cult of monuments.

Instruments and methods.