Applied Mechanics II


The objective of this course is to provide the students with scientific knowledge in the field of dynamics (kinematics + kinetics) whether applied to the material point or rigid body. In line with the theoretical background acquired in lectures, the students should be able to solve analytically a list of standardized problems collected from the literature and others proposed by the professors. According with the given fundamental methods to solve problems in dynamics the student should be able to derive the governing equations of motion. Furthermore, he must realize the advantages and drawbacks of each method. He should develop his ability to discern what method is efficient the most to be applied to a specific physical problem in dynamics since each method has its own specificity, applicability and degree of complexity.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marta Isabel Pimenta Verdete da Silva Carvalho, Raquel Albuquerque Soares Brás de Almeida


Weekly - 4

Total - 81

Teaching language



Available soon


Mecânica Vectorial para Engenheiros - Dinâmica (6Ed). Beer FP, Johnston E.R. McGraw-Hill.




Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (14th edition in SI units). R.C. Hibbeler. Prentice Hall.

Teaching method

Theoretical lectures and practical classes are planned. At the lectures notes on the subject are provided in the blackboard and complemented by powerpoint slideshows (videos may be included and software demonstration). Also in classes that preced the tests, quizzes are required to the students ("2 chalenges"). At the practical sessions the resolution of some standard problems is demonstrated at the blackboard and the students required to go along and afterwards they are asked to solve extra problems by their own ("6 chalenges").  Finally, some concepts taught in class will be demonstrated in the laboratory, followed by individual questionnaires.

Evaluation method


The evaluation can be carried out continuously throughout the semester by performing two theoretical/practical tests (T1,T2), carried out using distance assessment methods or presential if the necesary conditions are achieved. There are also a set of 6 exercises to solve at practice lessons, and 3 quizes to answer in theorethical lessons and Laboratory session, that constitute the practical component of evaluation (CP).

Regardless of the evaluation period, a frequency is defined that will be the validated submission in at least 2/3 of the CP elements. CP grade is the Sum of the "chalenges" (1 value each) and Lab session Quiz classification is done in a scale 0-12.

The final grade is calculated as follows:

 Final grade = 0.80 [(T1+T2)/2] + 0.20 CP

 If the student intends to perform the appeal exam (E) (for approvation or improve the grade), the final grade is calculated as follows:

Final grade = 0.80 E + 0.20 CP 

The approval in the curricular unit depends on obtaining the average >= 9.0 values in the tests, or obtaining the score >= 9.0 values in the appeal exam.


Subject matter

The program covers kinematics and kinetics of particles and planar rigid bodies. First, it is introduced the kinematics of the particle and the the rigid bodies. Then it is followed by kinetics with applications to particles and planar rigid bodies. In kinetics one introduces the three fundamental methods to solve problems in dynamics: 2nd Newton Law, Principle of work and energy, Principle of Impulse and Momentum. Finally, one addresses the problem of rotor or shaft balancing complemented with a laboratorial session demonstration.


Programs where the course is taught: