Transport Phenomena I
To understand the fundamental physical principles involved in moment and heat phenomena transport and their mathematical description. To apply this acknowledgment in the design of equipment units used in the chemical industry.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Margarida Canas Mendes de Almeida Cardoso
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Available soon
- S. Foust, L. A Wenzel, C. W. Clump, L. Maus, L. B. Andersen, “Principles of Unit Operations”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- J. M Coulson & J. F. Richardson, “Tecnologia Química”, Volume I , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian .
- R. S. Brodkey and H. C.Hershey, “Transport Phenomena – A Unified Approach”, 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill, 1989.
- transparencies and set of exercises provided by teaching staff.
Teaching method
Lectures combine the presentation of the theoretical concepts with the use of slide projection containing schematic illustrations with important aspects related to the subject and the resolution of exercises by the students. Group resolution is encouraged. At the end of each class the problem is solved.
Evaluation method
The continuous assessment of the subject is composed of two components:
1.Accomplishment of 4 mini-tests throughout the semester, with the average of the marks contributing to 10% of the final mark. These tests are performed on Moodle platform with multiple choice questions with quick answer and/or involving few calculations.
2. Two tests: the first has a 50% contribution and the second a 40% contribution to the final mark. The assessment is individual. Each test is assessed from 0 to 20 points. The minimum mark in the 1st test is 9.5
Each test includes questions on theoretical subjects, worth 6 marks, and problem-solving questions, worth 14 marks.
The subjects covered in each test will be as follows: 1st Test - Momentum transport; 2nd Test - Heat transport.
Final mark = 0.50 × 1st Test mark + 0.40 × 2nd Test mark + 0.10 × average marks of the 4 quizzes
The final mark, rounded up to the nearest whole number, must be greater than or equal to 10 for approval in the subject.
If a student fails the 1st component of continuous assessment or chooses not to take the continuous assessment they will be entitled to sit an exam. A minimum classification of 10 (9.5) on a scale of 0 to 20 is required.
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Subject matter
1. Transport Basic Concepts
1.1. The role of transport processes in chemical and biological systems
1.2 Equilibrium and driving forces, rate of transfer
2. Mass, Heat, and Momentum Transport by Molecular Mechanism
2.1 The general molecular transport equation and diffusivities
2.2 Newtonian fluids, non-newtonian fluids, with time dependent and time independent viscosities
3. Turbulent Transport
3.1 The Reynolds experiment,the general transport equation and eddy diffusivity, mechanism ratio analysis, dimensionless groups
3.2 Boundary layers: laminar and turbulent
3.3 Global transfer coefficients
4. Momentum Transport in Incompressible Fluids
4.1 The Bernoulli equation, pressure drops
4.2 Pumping liquids
5. Heat Transport
5.1 Conduction, convection, radiation
5.2 Condensers
5.3 Heat exchangers
5.4 Use of insulating materials
Programs where the course is taught: