Mechanics B


The objectives of the theoretical and exercise lectures are: 1) improve the understanding of the concepts associated to basic laws of mechanics; 2) use accurate scientific language; 3) formulate and solve, systematically, real word problems.

The objectives of laboratory lectures are: 1) acquire experimental skills in applied physics, with particular emphasis in mechanics; 2) acquire and process experimental data; 3) write scientific reports.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo António Martins Ferreira Ribeiro


Weekly - 6

Total - 84

Teaching language



Available soon


Livro de texto recomendado:

  • “Física” de M. Alonso e E. Finn, Tradução Portuguesa

Outros livros aconselhados:

  • “Fundamentals of Physics” de Halliday, Resnick and Walker
  • “Physics for Scientists and Engineers” Paul A. Tipler, W.H. Freeman and Company

Teaching method

The course is organized in lectures where the theory is presented, problem-solving sessions where problems are discussed with the instructor, and laboratory sessions.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1. Introduction
2. Measurements and units 
3. Vectors 
4. Kinematics 
5. Relative Motion 
6. Dynamics of a Particle
7. Work and Energy 
8. Dynamics of a System of Particles 
9. Dynamics of a Rigid Body 
10. Special Relativity 


Programs where the course is taught: