

1 To understand Geology as an area of knowledge applied and as a support of engineering.

2 To know and link the geological processes which can cause impacts in the Humanity.

3 To identify the different kinds of geological resources, necessary to the development of Human kind.

4 To recognize the need for a sustainable resource extraction under the general concepto of the Circular Economy.

5 To know how to characterize and identify essential minerals and rocks, through the interlinks provided by the Wilson and the rock cycles.

6 To understand the principles of Stratigraphy and apply them to the interpretation of geological maps.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Carlos Ribeiro Kullberg, Martim Afonso Ferreira de Sousa Chichorro


Weekly - 5

Total - 49

Teaching language



No previous requirements


Skinner, B. J. & Murck, B. W. (2011) -  The Blue Planet: An introduction to Earth System Science. Wiley, 3ª Ed., 672 p. ISBN: 978-0-471-23643-6

Montgomery, C. (2013) - Environmental Geology. MacGraw Hill, 10ª ed. 494 p. ISBN: 978-0073524115

Stappen, R.van der (Coord.) (2013) - Raw Materials in the Industrial Value Chain. ERT Raw Materials Working Group. 39 p.

Rothery, D. (2015) - Geology. A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself. 400 p. ISBN: 978-1473601550

Commission Staff Working Document (2018) - Report on Critical Raw Materials and the Circular Economy. Part 1, 2, 3. European Commmission, 71 p. (

Costa, J. B. (2014) - Estudo e Classificação das Rochas por Exame Macroscópico. Fund. C. Gulbenkian, 13ª ed., 196 p. ISBN: 978-972-31-0131-7

Teaching method

The T classes are  mainly expository, with the use of Powerpoint. A time for discussion of concepts and their application, particularly in classes T5-T8, will be reserved.

In PL1 class, pedagogical collections of rocks and minerals from the DCT and all relevant diagnostic materials will be used; in PL2 classes, exercises to interpret didactic geological maps and geological maps of Portugal at a scale of 1 / 50,000

In T component of the discipline there will be two moments of assessment: a) at the end of the first 3 classes a theoretical test (TT); b) from themes T2 to T8, sub-themes will be distributed to students, in autonomous work (TA), to carry out group work that will be presented in an evaluation session at the end of the semester. The teacher will allocate 1 hour per week for tutorial sessions. For evaluation purposes T = 0.6TT + 0.4TA

In PL the evaluation will be made by the delivery of mini-reports made during the classes (75% of them), which is a frequency factor. Final grade = 0.5 T + 0.5 PL

Evaluation method

In the Theoretical component (T) two moments of assessment will exist: a) at the end of the first 3 classes a theoretical test (TT); b) from themes T2 to T8, sub-themes will be distributed to students, in autonomous work (TA), to carry out group work that will be presented in an evaluation session at the end of the semester, beeing T = 0.6TT + 0.4TA

In PL the evaluation will be made by the delivery of mini-reports made during the classes (2/3 of them), which is a frequency factor.

Final grade = 0.5 T + 0.5 PL

Subject matter

Theoretical (T)

1 The Earth and the internal geodinamic processes. Plate Tectonics and the Wilson Cycle as an integrator concept to understand petrogenesis.

2 Seismology and Volcanology and associated dynamic processes. Natural risks.

3 The Earth surface modeling. Natural risks. Weathering and alterability of rocks

4 General notions of Stratigraphy and Geohistory

5 Geologic resources. Definition, classification and types of occurrences

6 Hidrogeologic resources. Energy resources in Geology.

7 Metallic and non-metallic resources.

8 Earth resources exploitation and sustainable development in the Circular Economy; Geohetics.

Laboratorial Practices (PL)

1 Essencial minerals and igneous, sedimentar and metamorphic rocks (PL1).

2 Geologic maps; analysis, interpretation of case studies and their use to land planning (PL2).


Programs where the course is taught: