Physics I A



Principles on general physics, mainly classical physics

Improve the knowleadge on General Physics; from Mecahnics , electricity, magnetism vibrations and waves and modern Physics

Correct knowleadge of the physical process

Introduction to metrology (measurements, acuracy)

Getting familiar with particular devices. 



 Developing scientific skills

Training on problems solving

Interlinking with other sort of instrumentation and other subjects like Mathematics and Chemistry

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria de Fátima Guerreiro da Silva Campos Raposo


Weekly - 5

Total - 5

Teaching language



Secondary school 11th grade level  knowledge of physics concepts.

Secondary school 12th grade level knowledge of mathematics.


Basic derivatives and integrals.


Portuguese edition - Halliday, D., & Resnick, R. (1991). Fundamentos de Física (Vol. 1 & 2). Rio de Janeiro: LTC – Livros Técnicos e Científicos.


Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2005). Fundamentals of physics (7th ed.). New York: Wiley. (Chapters 1 to 15)


Any other text book on General Physics which includes the programme contents at the undergraduate level.

Teaching method

1.The teaching method is based on a continuous student activity during the semester.

2.For the understanding of concepts and laws of Physics, a mixed approach, with both theory and experiment is followed .

3. In laboratory sessions, besides the demonstration and verification of Physics laws, emphasis is given to metrology.Continuous involvement of the students (beyond lectures e laboratory sessions) through packages of exercises and laboratory guidelines available on Clip.

Evaluation method

In preparation:

Article 1 - Classes and Assessment Method

The assessment in "Physics" fits into the Continuous assessment type (FCT-UNL Regulation of 11/17/2020)

Students must pass the theoretical and theoretical-practical components, whose functioning is described in the following articles. The classification of each component is expressed on a scale from 0 to 20 values ​​and rounded to the nearest unit.

Classes are divided into theoretical-practical and practical (the latter may be problems or laboratory). curricular unit.

All classes will start in a non-face-to-face regime via Zoom with a link to be released in the Clip in due course. Subsequently and according to the unfolding of the pandemic situation, students will be informed of the schedule and modalities of practical classes (problems and laboratory).

Article 2 - Theoretical Component

 The classification of the theoretical component (CT) is the arithmetic mean rounded to the tenth of the classifications obtained in the 2 tests (the classification of each test is rounded to the tenth); in the case of an exam, its classification is rounded to the nearest integer.

 Students who obtain a CT rating equal to or greater than 10 (9.5) are approved in the theoretical component.

Article 3 - Tests and Examination

Tests and exams are graded on a scale from zero to twenty values.

Each test will focus essentially on all the subjects taught in the classes until the theoretical class prior to the test. There is no minimum rating required on each of the tests.

Although the assessment in tests is not cumulative, and due to the nature of the subjects covered in this Curricular Unit, it is not excluded that an assessment element relies on knowledge concerning the subject assessed in a previous element(s). Tests and exams take place on dates announced in due course on this CLIP platform; is expected to be carried out online (although it can be admitted that with an expected positive evolution of the pandemic situation, the exams can already take place in person).

All students must be enrolled in the theoretical shift, including repeaters. Students can only have with them during the assessment test:

Ballpoint pen;

Identification document with photograph;

Non-graphical and non-programmable calculator;

During the tests, the use of electronic devices, such as computers and cell phones, tablets, etc., is not allowed. (if the regime is face-to-face)

It is not allowed to unstaple the pages of the notebooks with the statements and with the resolutions made by the students in the test. (if the regime is face-to-face)

The test will be canceled if the two previous points are not satisfied, or if the students commit any fraud in an assessment test (Test or Exam)

Article 4 - Practical Component

 Practical classes (AP) will also start in the 1st week of classes.

In the first AP of each turn they will be:

The evaluation rules for this component are presented in detail;

Confirmed in person the registrations in the shifts;

Working groups formed.

Students who do not satisfy paragraph 2.2. will have their enrollment in the AP shift canceled at CLIP.

Within the limits of available places, shift changes may be accepted during the first week of AP classes. To this end, students should contact the teachers of the practical shifts involved, by email.

In AP classes, problems will be solved and laboratory work will be carried out, whose timetable will be announced in the classes of each shift.

In Laboratory classes, students will report on each work. The classification of this component will be the average of the report scores (NRel).

The classification of the practical component (CP) is given by the average of the works. Students who obtain a CP classification equal to or greater than 10 are approved in the practical component, provided they have attended 2/3 of the total AP.

 Article 5 - Attendance

 Students who satisfy paragraph 8 of Art. 4 obtain frequency in the curricular unit.

The attendance obtained in previous academic years is valid in the current academic year; consequently, the students concerned must not register for the practical shifts, and are admitted to all tests and examinations.

Article 6 - Final Classification of Students

 Students who satisfy, simultaneously, nº 2 of Art. 2 and nº 9 of Art. 4, obtain approval in the curricular unit.

The final classification (CF) is the result of the following expression approximated to units:


Students who, in the weighting listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 2, obtain a final grade higher than 17, may be admitted to a written defense test. In this test, students can raise or lower the final grade with the guarantee of a minimum classification of 17 values. The absence from the test translates the acceptance by the student of the final grade of 17 values.

Students fail the curricular unit if they do not check, simultaneously, nº 2 of Art. 2 and nº 9 of Art. 4.
In cases not provided for in the previous numbers and articles, the student fails the curricular unit.

Article 7 - Classification Improvement

Students who intend to improve their grade must comply, for this purpose, with the legal registration formalities.
Students who obtain a final grade higher than 17 will be admitted to a grade defense test. In it, students can raise or lower the final grade with the guarantee of a minimum classification of 17 values. The absence from the test referred to in the previous number translates the acceptance by the student of the final grade of 17 values.
In the remaining cases, not foreseen in the previous numbers, the student does not improve the classification.

Article 8 - Student Workers

Students are considered to have Student Worker (TE) status if they appear as such in the CLIP agenda.

Students must, as soon as possible, communicate their status to the professor responsible for the course.
Students who simultaneously satisfy paragraph 2 of Article 2 and paragraph 9 of Article 4 obtain approval in the curricular unit.
Students holding the Student Worker status, like other students, must take the assessment tests according to the schedule previously made public.

Article 9 - Rules of Conduct

In order for everyone to benefit from the learning experience, students are required to respect the following rules of conduct in class:

Punctuality: Students must be present in the classroom at the start of class.
Class preparation and participation in discussions: Active participation requires students to keep abreast of the material presented and discussed in class, and to contribute to the discussions;
In the case of face-to-face classes, cell phones must remain turned off and stored until the end of the class; students using cell phones will be automatically asked to leave class; The use of portable computers and other electronic devices in face-to-face classes is also subject to the approval of the teachers.
Students who commit fraud in an assessment test will have that test cancelled, and are subject to the penalties provided for in the FCT-UNL regulations.

Article 10 - Others

Students, when contacting teachers via electronic message (email) must indicate in the “Subject (Subject)” the following information: “Physics - Shift – Name – Student number – Subject”.

Electronic messages with questions whose answers appear in the previous articles or on the course unit page on CLIP will not be answered.


Subject matter

Motion of a particle, Dynamics of a particle, Work and Energy.

Vibrations and waves



Introduction to Modern Physics

Physics of the Radiation

Energy Sustainability


Programs where the course is taught: