Socio-Environmental Analysis and Methods
The main objective of this course is to supply the students of the degree with the main concepts of social sciences, as well as with the methods and techniques of social research, essential for the understanding and analysis of integrated environmental systems. The course is structured in four components: (1) Methods and techniqes of social research; (2) Sociology applied to the environment; (3) Social Psychology applied to the environment; (4) Decision processes and public participation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Lia Maldonado Teles de Vasconcelos, Maria da Graça Madeira Martinho
Weekly - 2
Total - 28
Teaching language
None in particular
Leyens, J. P., & Yzerbyt, V. (2004). Psicologia Social. Lisboa: Edições 70
Lima, M. L., Castro, P., & Garrido, M. (Org) (2003). Temas e Debates em Psicologia Social. Identidade, Conflito e Processos Sociais: a Psicologia Social na Prática. Horizonte de Psicologia. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
Bryson, M. John; Barbara C. Crosby (1992) Leadership for the common good, tackling public problems in a shared- power world. USA: Jossey-Bass Publishers
Dryzek, J. (2000) Deliberative democracy and Beyond. Liberals, Critics and Contestation. Cambridge University Press
Innes, Judith (1995) Planning Theory’s Emerging Paradigm: Communicative Action and Interactive Practice. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 14, nº3
Kuhn, Thomas S. (1970) The structure of scientific revolutions, University of Chicago Press (1ª edição 1962)
Teaching method
Teaching language: Portuguese
The course is organized in four components. In each component the basic concepts are presented and the case studies analyzed.
Despite the lecture being in expository format, it reccurs frequently to the audiovisual materials to facilitate the understanding of the student of situations of the real life and the theoretical elements, besides being used as a base to promote debate in the classroom. The documentaries of The Respigadores? and the Social Portrait of Portugal are some of the ones used. During the classes group wok is frequently developed to apply knowledge taught favoring an approach of hands on.
Evaluation method
Continuous evaluation. The work and/or mini test for each component, is to be done on line in the moodle system.
1) Attendance
The attendance for 1st registration students, is obtained by:
i) Attendance to 2/3 of the classes, and
ii) Development of an individual or group work assignment, with a grade equal or more than 9.5
The attendance is valid for 2 years.
2) Continuous Evaluation
The evaluation is continuous and integrates the following components:
- Three mini-tests, previously registered in CLIP, with a duration of about 20 min each, with equal weight in the theorical component grade, the respective average has to be equal or superior to 9.5; there is no minimum classification requirement for any of the three mini-tests.
- A group (or individual) work assignement which grade has to be equal or superior to 9.5.
3) Resource Exam
This UC does not have a resource exam.
4) Final Calssification of the UC
60% mini-tests + 40% group (or individual) work assignement
5) General Dispositions
The 3 mini-tests will be done online, in the campus in real time, under the supervision of the professor(s). Therefore, it is necessary to bring, for the test days, a labtop or a “tablet” that allow to acess to Moodle and to answer the questions.
The rounding of the Final Grade is done, only once, in the last calculation.
Subject matter
1. Methods and Techniques of Social Research
Faculty: Graça Martinho and Lia Vasconcelos /DCEA- Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente.
1. Social research; 1.1Main principles for the scientific research; 1.2 Phases of a social research. 2. Quantitative methods; 2.1 Sampling techniques. Design of the sample. Conditions and elements of the samples. 2.2 Sources of information. Documental and statistical sources. 2.3 Inquiry techniques. Questionnaire; 2.4 Analysis and interpretation of data: preliminary operations of analysis of data. Content and statistical analysis. 3. Qualitative analysis; 3.1 Models for the analysis. The rational and phenomenological model. Interpretative analysis. Selection and adjustment of the selected methodology. The participant observation; 3.2 Group processes; 3.3 The interview (intensive, semi-structured and structured); 3.4 Stories and narratives; 3.5 Content analysis.
2. Sociology applied to the environment
Faculty: Paula Urze /DCSA- Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas.
1. The study object and the conceptual framework; 1.1 The sociology in the context of other social sciences; 1.2 Sociology and environment. 2. Society, technology and environment; 2.1 Social and technological change; 2.2 Environment and nature: values and representation in the Portuguese population; 2.3 Environment and risk society.
3. Social Psychology applied to the environment
Faculty: Graça Martinho /DCEA- Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente.
1. Introduction to social psychology; 1.2 The social psychology and its application to environmental engineering. 2. Social dilemmas; 2.1 Theory of social dilemmas. "The tragedy of the commons"; 2.2 Cooperation vs competition. 3. Environmental attitudes and behaviors; 3.1 The concept and attitude building; 3.2 Measurement and scales of attitudes; 3.3 Relation environmental behavior-attitude. 4. Risk perception. 5. Environmental education; 5.1 Concept. History. Formal and non formal education; 5.2 Environmental education and education for sustainability.
4. Decision processes and public participation
Faculty: Lia Vasconcelos /DCEA- Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente.
1. New social contexts and its dynamics. Characterization of the present society and of its contexts. Implication resulting of the present complexity and uncertainty. Representative democracy vs deliberative democracy. 2. Decision processes. The faces of power and political behavior. Conflict and negotiation. Processes of decision making. Difficulty of response to the present challenges using traditional formats of decision making. Reasons that contribute to the controversies of environmental decisions. Key actors, interests and values. New forms of citizenship. Collaborative formats of decision. 3. Participative methods. Main issues that distinguish the methods of third generation from the traditional ones. Complex problems and the need to decide overcoming the merely technical aspects. New approaches to the integration and articulation of information/knowledge.