Theory of Computation
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General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Maria Lobo César Alarcão Ravara
Weekly - 5
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
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Teaching method
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Evaluation method
This course has three evaluation components, an exercise solving one in the laboratories (P), one base based in quests (TP), and a theorectical one (T). All these elements are evaluated in the 0 to 20 scale.
The P component contributes with 1 value to the final grade. To obtain it a student should attend 2/3 of the laboratory classes and present an original resolution of some of the exercices. The presence log is done in the beginning of the class.
The TP component consists of four quzzes, each contributing with 1 value to the final grade.
The T component consists of two written on-campus tests, each contributing with 7,5 values to the final grade. Both can be substituted by part of the final exam. Students are allowed to use an A4 hanwritten sheet as help for each test. These sheets, identified, should be delivered with the answer book.
The final grade is calculated by the following grade, rounded to units, being the grades of the quizzes and tests rounded to centesimals.
NF = P + TP + 0,75xT
Subject matter
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