Introduction to Micro and Nanotechnologies


The discipline of Introduction to Micro and Nanotechnolgies (IMN) aims to introduce the different classes of materials for first year students of the MSc in Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, which in turn will be subject to further study during the course. In addition to an introduction on the properties of the different classes of materials processing techniques are also discussed as well as some of the most relevant applications.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Daniela da Silva Nunes Gomes, Elvira Maria Correia Fortunato


Weekly - 3

Total - 52

Teaching language



Not applicable.


- William F. Smith "Principles of Materials Science and Engineering", McGraw-Hill International Editions (1990).

- The Science and Engineering of Materials, D.R. Askeland e P.P. Phulé, Thomson, 2003.

- Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering / An Interactive e.Text, W.D. Callister, Wiley, 2001.

- Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, J.F. Shackelford, Prentice Hall, 2000.



Teaching method

Teaching methods include theoretical and practical lessons using multimedia technologies, solving exercises and laboratory work

Evaluation method

- Group work: Questionnaire about 2 lab classes + Lab report (gold nanoparticles) - 35 %)

- Two quizzes - 65%

Students need to have a recent photograph in clip.

The grade of the final exam replaces the grade of the two quizzes. For conclusion of the course the student has to pass the group work.

The evaluation methodos may be changed at any time due to the covid19 pandemics.

Subject matter

Introduction: The importance of materials in society;

Structure and bonding (atomic/molecular);

Metallic Materials;

Ceramic materials;

Semiconductor materials;

Polymeric Materials;

Composite materials;


Applications of nanotechnology;



Programs where the course is taught: