Air Conditioning and Refrigeration


It is intended that the students apply, the knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transmission and thermodynamics acquired throughout the course to the subject of the Buildings Climatization and the Refrigerating Installations.

More concretely one intends from students to acquire the knowledge of the regulations in practice for the design of these installations. Acquire the knowledge of the equipment used in these installations.


Know to do the sizing the thermal loads of the buildings and refrigerating installations. To choose and sizing the equipment used in these installations.


It is also intended to develope in the students the skills of: seek for information and process it, ability to work autonomously, self learning, problem solving, apply knowledge to new situations; technical writing dexterity, presentation techniques, communicative aptitude, concern for quality of the essay’s final text, turning technology into business.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Fernando de Almeida Dias


Weekly - 4

Total - 84

Teaching language



For the discipline of Climatization and Refrigeration it is supposed a strong domain of subjects learned in the disciplines of Applied Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics I and II, and Heat Transmission.


- Acondicionamiento del Aire y Refrigeracion – Carlo Pizzetti – Interciencia
- Manual de Aire Acondicionado – Carrier - Marcombo, Barcelona
- Climatização em Edifícios – A.C. Piedade; A.M. Ro-drigues; L.F. Roriz – Orion
- Industrial Refrigeration: principles, design and applications – P. Koelet – MacMillan
- Installations Frigorifiques – P.J. Rapin; P. Jacquard – PYC Edition
- Princípios de Refrigeração – R.J. Dossat – Hemus
- El Empleo del Frio en la Industria de la Alimentation – Rudolf Plank – Reverte

PowerPoints of the classes – available in the course page of CLIP.

Teaching method

In theoretical classes the exposition of the discipline subjects is made, the participation of the students is stimulated. In the practical classes problems and simulated practical cases in the domain of application of the concepts are presented in order that the students actively collaborate in their resolution.

In classes and outside them a tutorial accompaniment of the students is made for the accomplishment of the works of disciplines. The works of discipline have as starting point the information research, appealing to conventional or on line libraries, and culminate with the submission of a final report and a public presentation.

Evaluation method

The knowledge assessment involves the realization of a AVAC project, individual work to be developed during the classes.

Evaluation Components:

1- Report of the individual AVAC project developed during the classes, to be delivered before the last week of classes.

2- Two mid-term evaluations of project progress.

3- Oral presentation of the project, held in seminar, in the last week of classes.

The final grade is individual and is given by:

Final Grade = (0.6 × project) + (0.2 × project progress status) + (0.2 × oral presentation)


Students who have not been successful during the semester may submit the redesigned project before the last week of the exam season. In these cases the final grade is still given by the previous formula.


Subject matter

Air conditioning: The need of air conditioning. Comfort conditions. Climate and outside conditions. Design conditions. Thermal charges; solar and others. Cooling and heating loads. The air conditioning processes. The air conditioning plants. Cooler coils, condensers and cooling towers. Air ducts and fan performance. Filters.

Refrigeration: Fundamentals of refrigeration plants. Simple and multiple compression refrigeration plants. Perishable products and its conservation: conservation temperature and speed of freezing. The main methods of fast freezing, conservation of cooled and frozen products. General aspects of the construction of refrigerating chambers.


Programs where the course is taught: