Mechanical Transmission Systems


Design of mechanical basic transmission systems.

Selection of commercially available mechanical transmission systems, including "re-rating" methods.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António José Freire Mourão, Helena Victorovna Guitiss Navas


Weekly - 3

Total - 66

Teaching language





  • SHIGLEY, J., Mechanical Engineering Design. 5ª Ed, McGraw-Hill, 1989. ISBN: 0-07-100607-9
  • Techniques de l´Ingénieur
  • HENRIOT, G., Traité Théorique et Pratique des Engrenages. Vol I e II

Teaching method

Theoretical Lectures:

Oral explanation of subjects. A review of subjects addressed in the previous lecture will be done at the beginning of each lecture. At the end of each lecture will be done a summary of the main themes given.

Practical Lessons:

Resolve problems, examples and practical cases, with the pupils. The problems solved are concerned to subjects addressed in the previous theoretical lectures.

Evaluation method

a) The evaluation of the students is done through the completion of test, work and exam.

b) The approval requires the achievement of at least 10 points in the final exam.

c) The waiver of the examination presupposes obtaining at least 10 values in the average of the test and work. In this case, the value thus calculated, constitutes the final classification.

Subject matter

1. Characteristics and selection of mechanical transmissions.

2. Spur gears, worm gears and bevel gears. The forces acting on the gear teeth. Efficiency. Scaling gears and manufacturing processes.

3. Timing belt transmissions: geometric relationships, kinematic analysis, selection of the belt. Assembly and maintenance. The forces acting on the timing belt transmissions. The influence of the linear velocity of the belt. Scaling  timing belt transmissions.

4. Roller chain transmissions: geometric relationships, kinematic analysis, selection, installation and maintenance. The forces acting on the roller chain transmissions. The impact of the linear velocity of the roller chain. Scaling transmissions by roller chain.


Programs where the course is taught: