Logistics II
The main knowledge to be acquired by students with this course is how to apply an effective and efficient approach in solving a logistic project/problem.
With this course it is expected that students develop their skills to identify and analyse the main aspects to be planned in the development/resolution of a logistic project/problem, specifying its boundaries. Furthermore, students must know how to select and use the appropriate methods, techniques and tools for decision-making, set arguments for decision based on quantitative methods, integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgements based on information that can be incomplete or limited, and train their skills in interpreting logistical performance.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Carlos Bárbara Grilo, Virgínia Helena Arimateia de Campos Machado
Weekly - 4
Total - 84
Teaching language
Available soon
APICS. SCOR Supply Chain Operations Reference Model. Quick Reference Guide. Version 12.0, 2017.
Chopra S, Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning and Operations, Pearson International Editions, 6ª ed., 2019, New Jersey.
Harrison, A., Skipworth, H., van Hoek, R, Aitken, J., Logistics Management and Strategy. Pearson, 6ª ed, 2019, Harlow.
Lyons K., Farrington B., Procurement and Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education, 10ª ed., 2020.
Lynwood A.J., Montgomery D.C., Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling and Inventory Control, John Wiley & Sons, 1974, New York.
Papacostas, S., Transportation Engineering and Planning, Prentice-Hall, 1993, London.
Silver E.A., Pyke D.F., Thomas D.J., Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling, 4ª ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2016, New York.
Tompkins, J.A., et al., Facilities Planning, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, 4ª ed., Hoboken.
Teaching method
The course is taught with a weekly load of 1 theoretical-practical class (4h). Classes expose concepts, models and techniques based on examples and solved exercises and case studies that allow the student to consolidate concepts, develop thinking skills and teamwork and autonomy. Classes are complemented with mandatory readings and group resolution of case studies, paying attention to the ability to present written and oral presentations.
Evaluation method
The curricular unit assessment will be based on:
one closedbook test (T) and two group projects (TGs).
Final grade=0.50T+0.50TGs
The score for each component of the assessment will be rounded to two decimal places.
To be exempted from the final exam, the student must obtain a grade equal to or greater than 9.50 on the average of TGs.
In exam (E) the evaluation involves the exam grade and the one obtained in the TGs, with weighting in the final grade of 50 and 50%, respectively.
Subject matter
1. The importance of logistics in supply chain management.
2. Inventory management of items with independent demand: Stochastic models for items subject to continuous or periodic review, restrictions and / or seasonal demand. Ordering techniques in multi-level systems.
3. Suppliers selection and evaluation.
4. Warehouse management. Material handling technologies and storage planning. Characterization of various types of storage management.
5. Transport management. Vehicle route planning. Distribution Resource Planning.
6. Logistics 4.0.
7. Risk and uncertainty in logistics system implementation.
8. Evaluation of logistics performance.