Reliability Engineering
It is expected that, at the end of this UC, students have acquired skills and competences to: - Describe the fundamental statistical concepts related to lifetime data of Components and Repairable Systems; - Analyse data related to lifetime data of Components and Repairable Systems; - Identify the statistical methods and models most appropriate for evaluating the Reliability of Components and Repairable Systems; - Identify the advantages and limitations of each method; - Establish the most appropriate assumptions for the formulation of statistical models to use; - Evaluate the Reliability of Complex Repairable Systems. - Determine the MTBF of Repairable Systems with Constant Failure Rate; - Define Reliability test plans for Repairable Systems with Constant Failure Rate; - Determine the MTBF of Repairable Systems with Descending Failure Rate.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Sofia Leonardo Vilela de Matos, Suzana Paula Gomes Fernando da Silva Lampreia
Weekly - 2
Total - 38
Teaching language
Nothing to mention.
- Ascher, H. and Feingold, H. (1984), Repairable System Reliability. Modelling, Inference, Misconceptions and Their Causes, Marcel Dekker, NY;
- Crowder, M.J., Kimber, A.C., Smith, R.L. and Sweeting (1994), Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data, Chapman and Hall, London;
- Ho, S.K. (1995), TQM - an Integrated Approach, Kogan Page Limited, UK;
- O’Connor, P. D. T. (1991), Practical Reliability Engineering, Wiley, NY;
- Smith, S. (1993), Reliability Centred Maintenance, Reuters.
Teaching method
The first part of the classes is dedicated to the introduction and discussion of theoretical contents, accompanied by application examples that allow a better learning of the theoretical concepts. Then, these concepts are demonstrated and used in specific problem-solving exercises.
Evaluation method
The Curricular Unit will be evaluated through the completion of 1 work (40%) and 1 test (60%).
To obtain approval the minimum grade in both evaluation elements is 9,5 val.Para mais pormenores de avaliação consultar: "Metodologias de ensino (A3ES)".
Subject matter
1-Introduction to Reliability: Engineering Basic Concepts, Applications Areas, Data Analysis Reliability of Components and Independent Component Systems Repairable Systems and Models for Repairable Systems.
2-Probability Distributions in Reliability: Statistical Analysis of Failure (Comparison of Reliability Functions), Negative Exponential Distribution, and Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution, Lognormal distribution, Weibull distribution and Graphical Estimation of Parameters.
3-Reliability of Independent Component Systems: Series-connected Systems, Redundant Systems and Complex Systems
4-Repairable Systems: Failure Analysis, Systems with Constant ROCOF, MTBF Estimation, Confidence Intervals for Systems with Constant ROCOF, Reliability Assurance, Sequential Test and Systems with Descending ROCOF (Crow Model).