Six Sigma


  • Know in depth the concepts, tools and methodologies of Six Sigma;
  • Recognize the need and benefits of implementing Six Sigma;
  • Understand team dynamics and the role of leadership and coaching in meeting project goals;
  • Ability to prioritize and recommend process and product improvement projects;
  • Integrate the problem assessment methodologies, statistical techniques and management tools present in the various stages of a “6 Sigma” project.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Sofia Leonardo Vilela de Matos, Izunildo Fernandes Cabral


Weekly - 2

Total - 32

Teaching language



As Unidades Curriculares (UCs,) de Gestão da Qualidade e Planeamento e Controlo da Qualidade proporcionam aos Estudantes contacto com um conjunto de conhecimentos sobre ferramentas da qualidade e técnicas estatísticas que se revelam da maior utilidade para os Estudantes que pretendam frequentar a UC de Seis Sigma. 

Adicionalmente, Metrologia e Sistemas de Medição, Qualidade e Operações em Serviços, Técnicas Avançadas da Qualidade, Fiabilidade e Lean Management são UCs que podem revelar bastante úteis aos Estudantes que que pretendam frequentar a UC de Seis Sigma, nomeadamente na realização de Trabalho Prático (Projeto Seis Sigma). 


Eckes, G. (2003). Six Sigma for Everyone. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Park, S. H. (2003). Six Sigma for Quality and Productivity Promotion. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization.

Pyzdek, T., & Keller, P. A. (2018). The Six Sigma Handbook. 5th Edition. McGraw Hill. USA

Werkema, C. (2004). Criando a Cultura Seis Sigma (Volume I). Nova Lima, Brasil: Werkema Editora, Ltda.

Werkema, C. (2006). Lean Seis Sigma - Introdução às Ferramentas do Lean Manufacturing. (Volume 4). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: WERKEMA Editora Ltda.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical lectures, combining an expository approach of theoretical contents with a practical approach, by performing practical exercises and analysing/discussing research work on Six Sigma projects (e.g., master dissertations and journal articles).

Evaluation method

The final grade consists of an assessment of a group project and a written test (40% final grade).

 Group project (maximum five students) (60% final grade): it is carried out throughout the semester and consists of several stages in which the information required to perform each stage is provided by the teacher in a phased manner, thus allowing, the understanding of theoretical concepts with the practical application of the six sigma methodology. Obtaining frequency in UC requires the development, presentation and discussion of group project. The final evaluation of this component reflects not only the three aspects mentioned above but also the individual performance of each group elements.

The approval in the course requires a minimum grade of 9.5 in each component.

Subject matter

1. Introduction

  • Definition
  • Historic evolution
  • The three generations of Six Sigma
  • Advantages of Six Sigma Application
  • Critical success factors
  • Scope of Six Sigma application

2. Six Sigma Support Basics

  • Contradictory meanings of the symbol s
  • Quality level on the Sigma scale

3. Six Sigma Organizational Structure

  • Six Sigma Committee
  • Sponsor and Master Black Belt
  • Project team

4. Six Sigma Implementation

  • Phases
  • Project Selection
  • Business Case

5. Six Sigma Metrics

  • Based on number of nonconformities
  • Based on number of defects

6. Six Sigma Methodologies

  • Six Sigma for existing process improvement
  • Design for Six Sigma to design or redesign processes

7. DMAIC Cycle Steps

  • Define
  • Measure
  • Analyze
  • Improve
  • Control


Programs where the course is taught: