Advanced Molecular Physics


- To get insight into applied research areas, innovation, experimental development, new technologies, with the main goal of recognizing fundamental research as relevant;

- Contribute to technical background of top qualified experts to participate in several professional activities requiring underlying physical support;

- Teaching solid experimental up-to-date achievements on themes related to applied molecular physics;

- Stressing particular physical phenomena which are relevant within the technological (and nano technological), atmospheric and biological context, dissociative electron attachment and charge transfer to biological molecules, among many others;

- To promote capabilities allowing for independent scientific research on Molecular Physics context and its technological applications;

To recognize the advantage of interlinking several research areas within Molecular Physics, e.g. with Chemistry, Biophysics, Medical Physics, Instrumentation, Technology, among many others.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Manuel Assis Loureiro Limão Vieira


Weekly - 2

Total - 47

Teaching language



Students are required to have a reasonable background on:

Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics; Physical-Chemistry; Mathematics; English;


- Physics of Atoms and Molecules – B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2003

- Introduction to the Structure of Matter – J. J. Brehm and W. J. Mullin, Wiley, 1989

- Física Quântica – Eisberg e Resnick, Elsevier, 1979

- Atomic and Molecular Collisions – H. Massey, Taylor & Francis, 1979

- Molecular Quantum Mechanics – P. W. Atkins and R. S. Friedman, 3rd Ed., Oxford, 1997

- Modern Atomic Physics – B. Cagnac, J. C. Pebay-Peyroula, The Macillan Press, 1975

- Perspectives of Modern Physics – A. Beiser, McGraw-Hill Int. Ed., 1988

- Quantum States of Atoms. Molecules, and Solids – M. A. Morrison, T. L. Estle, N. F. Lane, Prentice Hall, 1976

- Physical Chemistry – P. W. Atkins, Oxford, 1990

Teaching method

The material will be presented in lectures, followed by discussion of applied problems. Students will also have laboratory demosntration and problems'' solving.

Evaluation method


Subject matter

Course contents include:

  1. Review of topics on Atomic and Molecular Physics
  2. Structure of polyatomic molecules
  3. Valence bond theory
  4. Introduction to molecular symmetry
  5. Atomic collision interactions – classical and quantum interpretation

Electron - atom and electron – molecule collisions

Laboratory demonstrations

  1. Mass spectrometry I - residual gas
  2. Mass spectrometry II - argon
  3. DPPH Electron Spin Resonance


Programs where the course is taught: