Surface Analysis
The aim of this curricular unit is to familiarize students with techniques based on X-ray or charged particles used for surface characterization and available in the Department of Physics such as electron spectroscopy and secondary ion
mass spectrometry. They are expected to integrate knowledge by understanding for example the application of the photoelectric effect or
the Auger effect for analytical purposes and by studying the application of vacuum and charged particles technology for that purpose. In this way, students are expected to be prepared to perform tasks related to analytical equipment
that uses charged particles and related instrumentation.
Students will also learn about the interaction of particles in solids and the differences between surface and material analysis. Students should also acquire transversal skills such as the development of scientific reasoning, knowledge integration
and practical application of physical concepts.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Cristina Gomes da Silva, Orlando Manuel Neves Duarte Teodoro
Weekly - 2
Total - 28
Teaching language
Solid state Physics
Vacuum Technology
Charged particles optics
Quantum mechanics
Surface Science,
K.Oura, ..M. Katayama,
ISBN 3-540-00545-5
Surface and Thin Film Analysis
Gernot Friedbacher (Editor), Henning Bubert (Editor)
ISBN: 978-3-527-32047-9
April 2011
Teaching method
The program will presented around each technique, describing the physical underline principles and the required instrumentation. This will be supported by theoretical calsses and laboratory sessions (XPS).
Evaluation method
Attend and participate in the laboratotey session.
Middle term written exam (E) 70%
Trabalho: (de laboratório em grupo 20% + Exercício individual 10%) = 30%
report (group) and work (individual) (W) 30%
Approval if (E) + (W) > or equal to 10 (0-20).
If not succeded: a final written exam
Improving of the final score: only upon registration via CLIP.
Subject matter
Surface analysis versus materials analysis.
2- The electron microscope (SEM and TEM). Microanalysis and high pressure SEM.
3- Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).
4- Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM and AES).
5- X-ray photoelectron spetroscopy (XPS).