Applied Nuclear Physics


The goal for this unit is familiarize the students with those techniques based in charged particle beams used for materials and surface characterization and available the Physics department or at partner institutions.

Students should become prepared for jobs related with analytical techniques based in charged particles.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Duarte Neves Cruz, Maria Adelaide de Almeida Pedro de Jesus


Weekly - 2

Total - 28

Teaching language



Students should have a good background on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Nuclear Physics, vaccum technology and charged particle optics.


Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Materials Analysis

Michael A Nastasi, Joseph R Tesmer


Teaching method

This course has theoretical-pratical classes, where theoretical lectures will alternate with integration of concepts through exercises and simulation. To increase knowledge and contact with the applications of the techniques, students individually will make an analytical exercise based on a simulation program.

Evaluation method

Evaluation parameters:

1-  Test (or Exam) (70%)

2- Simulation work (30%)

Attendance: Mark 2 ≥ 9.5

Aproval: Mark 1 and Mark 2 ≥ 9.5

Subject matter

Analytical techniques based on acelerated beams (0.5 - 4 MeV):

1. Interaction of charged particles with matter (revision); stopping power; impact parameter; cross section.

2. X-ray emission induced by proton bombardment (PIXE) - physical principles, essential parameters; qualitative and quantitative analysis; instrumentation.

3. Gamma and particle emission in nuclear reactions induced by protons (PIGE/NRA) - physical principles, essential parameters; qualitative and quantitative analysis; depth profiling; instrumentation.

4. Rutherford and nuclear elastic scattering (RBS/EBS) - physical principles, essential parameters; qualitative and quantitative analysis; depth profiling; instrumentation.

Analytical techniques based on slow neutrons:

Neutron Activation - physical principles, essential parameters; qualitative and quantitative analysis; instrumentation.


Programs where the course is taught: