Introduction to Dissertation
Promote and facilitate students contact with the methodologies of creation of scientific and technological knowledge and ways of exposure the acquired knowledge in academia and industry; organizational forms of scientific and technological work writings and methods of selection of support tools
Prepare the student for his dissertation work providing a choice of a dissertation theme and providing the means for:
- a general overview of the scientific and/or technological basis necessary for the dissertation theme chosen by the student, under indication of the direct supervisor(s)
- more in-depth practical information about laboratory techniques considered relevant to conducting research work in the micro and nanotechnology science and engineering.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Daniela da Silva Nunes Gomes
Weekly - 2
Total - 40
Teaching language
Be in a position to begin the thesis project, which means having the sufficient number of credits acquired in particular have successfully completed the1st cycle and have concluded also the nuclear disciplines to support work of thesis of the 2nd cycle and pertaining to the 5, 6, 7 and 8th semester (compulsory and optional).
A adequada em função do tópico de dissertação selecionado.
Elementos comuns: manuais de utilização dos equipamentos de caracterização existentes no DCM, CENIMAT, CEMOP;
ferramentas de simulação (SILVACO, PSPICE), ferramentas de pesquisa bibliográfica (end note, plataforma da web of
Teaching method
Students are evaluated on the basis of paper work and oral communications that are requested to present, distributed throughout the semester under tutorial guidance where the supervisor will participate.
The frequency and approval to the discipline is achieved through the presence in class (at least 90%) and the submission of reports, whose average must be equal to or greater than 9.5 values.
Evaluation method
T1, Written presentation of the state of the art supporting the dissertation (minimum 5 pages, maximum 10 pages, containing a maximum of 5 figures) (weight 2). Work to be presented until 10/07/2019. T2, Description of the production and characterization techniques that they will use and that were trained for this purpose (weight 2). 2 production techniques and 2 characterization techniques (11/11/2019). T3, Oral presentation of the state of the art and techniques to be used in the dissertation (weight 1). T4, Written presentation of a scientific article (letter) for a scientific journal, associated with the topic of the master''s thesis, where the student is expected to know how to use tools for automatic insertion of references, sections to be considered and how to define them (weight 3 ) - 12/06/2019 T5, Simulation of oral presentation of the scientific article (letter) (weight 2) To be discussed from the end of December until the scheduled time for the examination of the subject. December 9th and 16th, 2019. T6, Written presentation related to the Origin class (weight 1) T7, Written presentation related to the Word class (weight 1)
Subject matter
Promote and facilitate students contact with the methodologies of creation of scientific and technological knowledge and ways of exposure the acquired knowledge in academia and industry; organizational forms of scientific and technological work writings and methods of selection of support tools
Prepare the student for his dissertation work providing a choice of a dissertation theme and providing the means for:
- a general overview of the scientific and/or technological basis necessary for the dissertation theme chosen by the student, under indication of the direct supervisor(s)
- more in-depth practical information about laboratory techniques considered relevant to conducting research work in the micro and nanotechnology science and engineering.