Dissertation Project
The UC intends to prepare the student for his master dissertation work providing:
-A generalized view of the scientific and/or technological bases necessary for the subject of dissertation chosen by the student under the guidance of the student''s direct supervisor(s),
-More detailed practical information on advanced laboratory techniques considered relevant for conducting research work in materials science and engineering, complementing the information and experience acquired in previous UC;
-Training actions to cement knowledge in indispensable tools in the organization of Scientific and technological work (Mendeley, Scopus, BOn, Web of Science, Latex, Word, Excel, Origin, communication among others).
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Paulo Miranda Ribeiro Borges
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Available soon
Not applicable: each student will have specific bibliography adequate to each dissertation theme.
Teaching method
Presentations and demonstrations on laboratory techniques oriented to the students'' dissertation themes.
Training activities for research, organization and scientific bibliographic management, aiming to elaborate a document written in the form of a scientific article (promoted by the Lab e-Learning and library of FCT NOVA).
Initiation to research work on the subject of the dissertation (under the supervision of the supervisor of each dissertation).
Evaluation method
Students present at the end of the semester
- Written document on the form of a scientific article on the state of the art of each theme.
- Public oral presentation followed by discussion on the written document they carried out, including the presentation of a master''s dissertation work plan. The presentation includes the two laboratory techniques chosen according to the themes of each work.
The final grade is attributed by the evaluation of the written documents (70%) and presentation of the work (30%).
The frequency of the library training sessions gives a bonus of up to 1 val. in the final grade.
Subject matter
Conducting a bibliographic research work for the elaboration of a written document that corresponds to the first chapter of the master''s thesis on the state of the art of the chosen theme individually.
Seminars on research work on various topics related to materials science and engineering by researchers and specialists in the various fields of materials science and engineering.
Advanced laboratory techniques suitable for each case according to the chosen theme, based on a teaching directed to advanced techniques little or not yet explored in previous UC such as XPS, TEM, µ-Raman, and others that the advisors deem necessary and which will have specially dedicated sessions.
Training sessions on: Mendeley; Scopus BOn Web of Science; Latex, Word, Excel, Origin
At the end of the UC the students publicly present the state of the art elaborated as well as two laboratory techniques (to choose) appropriate to their work.