Control Technology


1. Learning the methodologies and technologies of industrial automation and industrial control. 2. Students of abstract design design ability. 3. Develop in students the ability to carry out concrete automation and control solutions, using simulation and laboratory practice. 4. Develop in students the ability to search for solutions and equipment suitable for different automation problems available in the market.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Filipe Figueira Brito Palma, Raúl Eduardo Capela Tello Rato


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Preferably students should present frequency of the curricular units of "Control Theory" and "Computer Control", or equivalent.


L. Brito Palma (2021), "Tecnologias de Automação e Controlo Industrial", Sebenta, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCT – DEEC.
J. Norberto Pires (2019), "Automação e Controlo Industrial", Lidel - Portugal.
E. Mandado Pérez, J. Acevedo, C. Silva, J. Quiroga (2009), "Autómatas Programables Y Sistemas de Automatización", Ediciones Técnicas Marcombo - Spain.
J. Caldas Pinto (2004), "Técnicas de Automação", Edições ETEP - Portugal.
A. Francisco (2003), "Autómatos Programáveis", Edições ETEP – Portugal.
J. Matias, L. Leote (1993), "Automatismos Industriais – Comando e Regulação", Didáctica Editora - Portugal.

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical classes: presentation of theoretical concepts, methodologies and techniques, and discussion of case studies.
Practical classes: execution of projects in automation and control, involving the components of specifications, design, solution development and implementation.

Evaluation method

Students will be assessed individually for each element of assessment.
The assessment elements will be as follows, considering each score in the [0; 1] range:
- a) T1 and T2 tests inperson;
- b) Laboratory Lab#1, with continuous oral evaluation, and final oral evaluation of PDF report;
- c) Laboratory Lab#2, with continuous oral evaluation, and final oral evaluation of PDF report;
To obtain lab frequency approval each student must obtain an average grade in the laboratories equal to or higher than 9.5 values.
To obtain approval, each student must obtain a final grade equal to or greater than 9.5 values.
Freq: Rate of attendance of practical classes.
The final grade (NF) is obtained based on the formula:
NF = 20 * (0.40 * Tests + 0.25 * Lab#1 + 0.25 * Lab#2 + 0.10 * Freq).

Subject matter

1. Introduction to the curricular unit. Specifications and design of automation and control systems. Open-ring and closed-ring architectures. 2. Digital systems. the relay. Boolean algebra. Temporal diagrams. Finite Automata. Grafcet and Gemma. Cabled and programmed logics. 3. Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic control technologies. 4. Electromagnetic control technology. 5. Programmable logic controllers (PLC). The 5 programming languages ​​according to the IEC 61131-3 standard. The "Ladder" language (LD). The "Instruction List" (IL) language. 6. The "Function Block Diagram" (FBD) language. 7. The "Sequential Function Chart" (SFC) language associated with the FBD language. 8. The "Structured Text" (ST) language. Implementation of PID controllers in ST language. 9. Speed ​​control of DC and AC electrical machines. Speed ​​variators. 10. Industrial communication protocols in networks: Modbus, CanOpen, Ethernet, Profinet, etc. 11. Human-machine interaction. HMI interfaces. 12. SCADA supervision systems and WEB servers.


Programs where the course is taught: