Construction Projects Planning
The curricular unit aims to prepare students for the practical reality of the production sector in Civil Engineering, establishing the first contacts with problems to find solutions and garther important information related to the professional activity.
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
1. Plan construction works
2. Prepare construction work budgets
3. Organize and manage construction sites (shipyards)
4. Know about coordination and supervision of construction works
5. Know the main characteristics of equipment used in construction
6. Know about health and safety legislation in the construction field
7. Know about Construction contracts
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Pedro Peça de Oliveira, Maria Paulina Santos Forte Faria Rodrigues
Weekly - 4
Total - 60
Teaching language
The skills acquired in the Construction Technologies and Reinforced Concrete CU''s are a requirement of the Organization and Planning of Works (Through attendance)
A. Costa Manso; M. Santos Fonseca;J. Carvalho Espada, Informação sobre custos. Fichas de rendimentos. LNEC, ref. NS77, Lisboa , 2004
AECOPS, Organização do estaleiro - Sinalização de obras - Segurança na construção. Lisboa, 1989
C. Reis, Organização e Gestão de Obras, Edições Técnicas ETL, Lda, Lisboa, 2007
J. A. Faria, Gestão de obras e segurança. Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Civil. FEUP. 08/09
G. D. Oberlender, Project management for engineering and construction. Mac-Graw-Hill
F. Harris. Modern Construction and Ground Engineering Equipment and Methods. Pearson Education
J. Paz Branco; J.S. Brazão Farinha, Manual de Estaleiros de Construção de Edifícios. LNEC, Lisboa, 1980 (I vol-210p; II vol-252p; III vol-66p)
L. M. Alves Dias; M. S. Fonseca, Construção Civil - Plano de Segurança e de Saúde na Construção. 1996: Idict & IST DECivil, Lisboa. ISBN 972-97174-0-0.
Teaching method
The topics of the CU are addressed in theoretical/practical classes. In addition to such classes, lectures with specialists and a site work visit is organized.
The different concepts, principles and methodologies are presented in lectures and justified by the presentation of several real examples. In practical classes students solve exercises, in groups of four students, applying concepts presented in theoretical classes.
The individual assessment of knowledge results from the classification of the work performed in groups, in practical classes, including oral discussion, and the grade obtained in the final exam, including all themes of the curricular unit.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of knowledge has two components: one done by works during the semester and the other by two tests or final exam.
Final Grade: (0,5*Work+0,25*1stT+0,25*2stT)≥9,5.
Be aware: (grade: 0 to 20); ((1stT+2st)T/2≥9,0)
Students with a final grade greater than 16 must do an oral exam.
Subject matter
Organization of construction companies
. Preparation and control of works from the perspective of the construction company
. Elementary notions about budgets of construction works
. Planning of works
. Physical organization of construction sites (shipyards)
. Coordination and supervision of works
. Equipment construction
. Technology earthmoving
. Safety and health in construction
. Main legislation in the construction field
Programs where the course is taught: